Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Add author information box below post to Blogger blog

Author information box is now present on most of the WordPress blogs. It gives the info about the author and also contact info about him/her. It also makes your blog more attractive too.

Today We're going to see how to add author information box below post for blogger blogs. Read more �

Sunday, 22 May 2011

The Best Minimalist Blogger Templates

Blogger is one of the most popular hosted blogging platforms; the template designers offer high qualities blogger templates for free you can use them for your personal or business blogs without any limitations. There are 1000s of template available one the internet. Some of them are here
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Add "Back to Top/Jump to Top" to Blogger blog

Scroll to top
You have seen "Jump to Top" or "Back to Top" or "Scroll to Top" button on many websites. This button let the visitor to go back to the top of the website when he/she is scrolled to the bottom of that website.This also helps when you have long lengthy posts.
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How to add Page peel or Page flip effect to Blogger blog?

The page peel/flip effect hides the content and reveals it when mouse pointer is hovered there. This effect is present on most of the websites. Today we will learn to add this page flip effect to your blog.
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Saturday, 21 May 2011

How to increase Google PageRank of your Blogger Blog ?

You would like to read 'What is Google PageRank?' first.

Now that you know something about what Google PageRank is, here are some tips for you to increase PageRank of your Blogger blog.

After reading the article about Google PageRank ,you would have understood that you have to increase the number of quality links to your blog. But at the same time you sholud try avoiding linking to sites that are not related to yours.(e.g your Make Money Online blog linking to any games or any music blog will affect adversely your Google Pagerank.)

So, here are some popular tactics to increase your Google PageRank -
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Add Contact Form to Blogger blogs in 6 differant ways. do not have any facility to provide or generate Contact form codes. Contact Form is important as it let's the visitors of your website to share their views and suggestions with the admin/author. There are some third party designers who helps you to get a Contact Form on your Blog.
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How to add Social Bookmarks Buttons/Icons after every post in Blogger?

At many blogs you have seen the social bookmarking buttons, which by one-click submit your article to the Social Bookmarking sites like - digg , , stumbleupon , yahoo , google , furl , etc.

How does the Social Bookmarking helps ?

By adding these social bookmarking buttons/icons, either you or any of your reader can submit your article to these sites. Now when your article is listed here at these sites , there is a chance that you can get some visitors of millions using these social bookmarking sites.

So in addition to make your site look beautiful and professional these social bookmarking buttons/icons help you get more traffic to your site.

How to add these Social Bookmarking Icons/Buttons to my Blogger Blog after each post ?

Here's the step-by-step guide for you -
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Google PageRank explained in a simple way

Everybody using internet is aware of the power of Google.Google is everywhere whether its search engine, email, social networking, online marketing, blogging etc.

But most important of all these is it's search engine which share approximately 60% of all searches made all over the world.This explains the importance of rank SERP (Search Engine Results Page) fo Google.The higher the ranking on SERP the more free visitors you will get from Google.

While displaying the results for a particular query Google takes into consideration a lot of factors.

Two most impotant factors being (source - Google's Corporate Information) -
  • PageRank Technology
  • Hypertext-Matching Analysis.
Now here comes the importance of Google PageRank.
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Friday, 20 May 2011

Tag cloud for Blogger blogs!

Many of our friends had asked for animated label/tag cloud as seen on most of the Wordpress blogs. It is known as WP Cumulus plugin. Now it is also available for blogger blogs.

you can see the live demo on the sidebar

Let's add this to you blog.
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Sunday, 15 May 2011

How to submit your blog�s sitemap to google

If you are running a blog (be it on any platform), it is of utmost importance to submit you blog�s sitemap to the major search engines especially google. If you are unaware of the term �sitemap�, then sitemap is a list (usually in an xml format) of all the links of your content within your blog. That is, it will include the URLs of your blog pages, blog posts etc.
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Friday, 13 May 2011

40+ Top Blog Directories to Submit Your Blog!

42+ Best Blog Directories to Submit Your Blog!
Have you submitted your blog to all major Blog Directories? If you have already submitted your blog, I�m sure that you may missed some major blog directories!

Submitting your blog to blog directories helps to increase the backlinks of your blog.

Today, I have collected some of the best and popular blog directories from all search engines!

Try to submit your blog url to all the blog directories listed below:
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