Saturday, 30 January 2016

Is Google adding "Next/Previous" Text To Your Page Titles?

If Google is rewriting your titles in search results by adding "Next" , "Prev" or "Previous" text before your webpage titles then know that you have mistakenly added rel="Next" , rel="Prev" or rel="Previous" attributes to links in an un-paginated page on your blog or website.

Is Google rewriting your page titles

Since blogosphere today is saturated with several new content creators and designers who are developing widgets and plugins without having proper know-how of SEO, its causing a problem for non-techy publishers who are using these free blogspot widgets without even investigating if its creator understands search engine optimization technical basics or not.

Today's tutorial will thus amend one such SEO mistakes made by developers of Blogger widgets and plugins. These errors could also be found in some Wordpress plugins and therefore the solution below can be applied across all CMS platforms.

Can you add Next/Prev Link Elements in Blogger Blogs?

rel="next" and rel="prev" are called HTML links elements that acts as a string hint for duplicate contents just like rel="canonical". They indicate the relationship between component URLS in a paginated series. To divide a large articles into small component pages, many CMS systems makes use of paginated content.

next/previous posts in blogger

More details on paginated content can be found in this Google's official post.

paginated content structure

Since there is currently no support to create paginated pages within a post in blogger blogs so it really makes no sense to add these link elements in widgets such as to display Next and Previous topics or Numbered page navigation.

Number page navigation in blogger blogs

Why Would Google Add New Keywords In your Page Titles?

Since each paginated content is interlinked and each page tells search robots which is the actual first page, Google is able to pick the correct title of the first post and display it in search results. But when you add next/prev link elements inside a blog post or webpage which has no component pages at all, then you are confusing the search robot as a result of which you see your page titles rewritten in SERPs as shown below:

rewritten title with rel="next"

rewritten title with rel="previous"

How To Check If Your Blog Titles are Rewritten?

To check if your blog titles are rewritten in Google search results, run this simple query in Google search box.

google site query

or for custom domains do this

Remove HTML Link Elements From Your Blogger Template

If your blog titles are actually rewritten, then follow these steps to fix your blog's SEO

1. Go to Blogger > Template > Backup your template

2. Click "Edit HTML"

3. Search for this code and delete them where ever you find them


Note that the above link elements could be located using single quotes or double quotes depending on your template's code. They could even be written in escaped characters as shown below:


So just find any code that resembles the ones I shared above. Once done resubmit your sitemaps to let Google refresh its cache and display the neat and clean page titles for you. =)

Do let me know if you needed any help and further clarification. Peace and blessings buddies!

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

AdSense: Difference Between Page RPM and Impression RPM

Page RPM VS. Impression RPM in AdSense

If you have spent any amount of time working with advertisements - especially Google AdSense - you will be familiar with the two terms: Page RPM and Impression RPM. Google AdSense is a very popular advertisement program that works on either a per-click or per-impression based model, and you often come across terms such as CTR, CPC, CPM, RPM, and so on. Today, we'll talk about the basics of these terms and then see how Page RPM and Impression RPM are different from each other, because they're often confused as one.

The basics of advertisement

Let us take a step back first and see whether we understand the very basic terms used in advertising.

  • Clicks - The total number of times an ad was clicked

  • Page view - A page view is registered every time a user opens a page on your website. It does not matter how many ads are there, it will only count as one page view.

  • Impression - This is a somewhat confusing term. Impression is defined as the user-view of a particular item on your website. It could refer to a user viewing a particular webpage, a particular ad unit, or an individual ad. Hence, an 'impression' can be sub-categorized into a page view, a page impression or an ad impression.

  • Page Impression - A page impression is the same as a page view - at least when talking about Google AdSense.

  • Ad Impression - An Ad impression is registered when an ad is viewed by a visitor. If a page contains multiple ads, then one page view may result in multiple ad impressions. For example, if a page with 2 ads is viewed 3 times, you get a total of 3 page views and 6 ad impressions.

  • Query - An ad query is a request made to Google AdSense's system to display an ad unit whenever that ad is displayed.

AdSense Page RPM vs. Impression RPM

Both of these metrics are important when it comes to calculating your AdSense revenue. Both are very similar to each other, so it is only natural to confuse between the two. Let us explain what RPM means first.


difference between page rpm and impression rpm


RPM (Revenue Per thousand iMpressions) is quite simply the amount of estimated revenue you will earn for every thousand impressions. It is calculated by dividing the total estimated earnings by the number of impressions, and then multiplying the result by 1000 (since the count is per thousand impressions).


Remember: Impression here can refer to a page view, an ad request, an ad query, or an individual ad impression. Impression is a broad term encompassing all these metrics.


Suppose, for example, that you have earned an estimated $10 from 5000 page views (page impressions). Your RPM would be (10/5000)*1000 = $2 for every 1000 page impressions.


Page RPM refers to your RPM based on the number of your page views or page impressions.

Impression RPM refers to your RPM based on the number of individual ad impressions you get.


Although Page RPM is the more commonly used metric, some advertisers do bid on AdWords for Impression RPM as well. Typically, Impression RPM is lower than page RPM owing to the fact that one page may contain many ad units. That is, however, not necessary and you could be counting the total number of ad units or just one particular ad unit.


The bottom line is, both these metrics are used widely and it can pay off to know the differences between them and how they are individually calculated.

Do ask any question which may still be not cleared. I would love to help =)

Sunday, 24 January 2016

WebTextTool: How I Get Best Keyword Suggestions?

Customer WebTextTool review on how it gives us best keyword suggestions & optimize our blog posts in real-time to rank higher in Google search.

Out of every 10 clients who approach us for SEO auditing services, 8 find it difficult to understand how to do keyword research, how to get quality keyword suggestions, check keyword competition and search volume. In short every publisher today is most concerned about his competitor's keyword strategy and what is it that ranks his competitor higher on search results but not him or her.

WebTextTool keyword suggestion tool

Web Platforms and frameworks are mostly auto optimized today, what is required on publishers side is on-page optimization. Keyword research is all that matters most for content writers. Search robots judge content based on its quality content which is E-A-T (Expert-Authoritative-Trustworthy) and quality is judged by your presentation and selection of keywords. Serious bloggers and SEO agencies today rely heavily on building a solid keyword strategy using the best tools found online. I will be sharing and reviewing one such SEO tool with all of you today that fulfills all your blogging needs and which is a must for people with multiple blogs and no SEO skills.   It will seriously help you dominate your niche in search rankings and crush your competition.

Do you really need a SEO tool to optimize content?

From 2015 onwards I personally felt the need for a user friendly SEO tool that could help my network authors to better optimize their blog posts in real time by choosing the best keywords for our content. For this I needed an advanced keyword suggestion tool which could fit my budget on monthly basis and as well as help us rank higher in SERPs. Google keyword planner is one such free option but it lacks several advanced functionalities and features and we needed something ahead of it.

I came across WebTextTool (WTT), which is the simplest on-page SEO assistant tool that helps you optimize your content in real time while you are writing your blog post. It gives you realtime suggestions to improve your content and make it more SEO friendly.

I was honestly fed up of correcting the SEO blunders done by my authors since a year but today thanks to webtexttool, I really don't need to waste precious time auditing a co-author's blog post. I can now concentrate on the creative part while WTT handles the optimization stuff.

I will therefore love to review WEbtexttool as a customer and share its unique features with all of you so that it may benefit you as much as it has helped us improve our organic traffic.

How can WebTextTool help you rank higher in SERPs?

Thanks to its 6 Unique Features!

Features Description
Keyword Suggestion Helps you find best keywords and matched phrases for your content
Advanced Editor Far advanced than even Open Live Writer or WordPress editor
Accessibility Checker Helps you optimize media content one by one
Sentiment Analysis Makes sure your content gives a positive touch and is irony-free
Readability Scores Calculates how easy and difficult is your text to understand.
Page trackers Tracks Google rank of your published content for a given keyword

Sometimes common sense and strong SEO skills are not enough, you really need tools to give you insights and stats to build a powerful keyword strategy in order to get an edge over your competitors.

I am currently using WTT's Silver Plan which suits our requirement, so I will be giving you a brief introduction of all its important features that we are using currently. It has both free and premium plans so it is really a handy tool for all bloggers unlike some expensive SEO and SEM tools found online that gives me nightmares when I see their monthly billing structure.

Before we could proceed, I recommend that you sign up for the 14 days free Webtexttool trial account. You can also sign up for the Starter Plan which is free forever. Follow the link below to register your free account.

WTT's unique features like sentiment analysis, readability scores and page trackers are a life savor. The webtexttool Page Tracker utility allows us to track the Google rank of our blog posts for a given keyword and its optimization score after it is published. Surely my favorite feature!

1. Keyword Suggestion

The biggest reason behind any websites high position in Google rankings is its combination of rich keywords. The better you understand this terminology the better you rank in Google search results page.

Our co-author Nida Zaidi wrote an article recently on "Ten Richest Billionaires of Spain In 2016" on our sister blog "Smart Earning Methods". Let's analyze how SEO friendly her article is and find SEO mistakes if any made by her =)

On WTT homepage click "New Page" to see the "Keyword suggestion tool". Follow the steps below to learn how to do a keyword research before writing a new blog post.

How to use the Keyword Suggestions Tool?

  1. Select the right language and country, so you will get the results for the relevant country and Google domain.
  2. Enter your keyword or keyword phrase in the second step.
  3. Click "Give me suggestions" to get a list of suggestions based on your keyword

keyword analysis and selection

It gives you a clear idea of how widely is this keyword searched (Volume) in Google USA each month and how strong is the competition for this phrase. If you scroll down you will get several related keyword suggestions that are no less than a treasure for your content.

keyword suggestions by webtexttool

All your searched keywords are stored in history so that you could research them further in future.

keyword suggestions history

Click "Use my Keyword" button to start writing your blog post inside the WTT editor.

use your keyword

2. Advanced Editor

In simple words I am in love with this editor! I am using Wordpress and Blogger Editors since 7 years but I have never came across any WYSIWYG editor with so much functionalities and support for content writing. You really don't need Windows Live Writer or your blog editor to write content anymore. WTT editor has all web editing tools to help you produce high quality content, which may not only be optimized but also well formatted and presented.

webtexttool editor

The hyperlink tool does more than just linking. You can specify different protocols such as http and https.

hyperlink protocol

You are no more limited to just "target_blank" attribute to open links in new window. You can set your link target to an iframe or even a popup. Sky is the limit here.

types of link target values

You can add optimized tables by giving it a caption name and summary:

webtexttool table properties

or add special characters inside your content.

select special character

The right panel gives your real-time SEO suggestions to improve your content. The page score meter monitors your overall optimization score in percentage.

page score  and realtime seo suggestion

Lets get to the real work!

In order to audit Nida's post for SEO errors, I don't need to copy and paste her article, I will simply import her published article using its URL. This option is surely a time savor and this is another reason why we find WTT so user friendly.

1. Go To Page > Import article

import article in webtexttool

Insert your URL and click load to see the magic occur!

import article from URL

optimize imported article

If you observe clearly WTT has detected that Nida's focus distracted from keyword "Richest billionaires" to "Spain", in short her post will not perform good in SERP's for our intended keyword unless these mistakes are corrected. That page score of 73% is for the word "Spain" and not for our intended keyword. Thus to better optimize this post, I will copy this post's source and paste it inside a new page in WTT for our intended keyword i.e. "Richest billionaires"

After creating this new page, the page score drops to 10% which is the actual and correct page score for her Post based on our intended keyword.

optimize  article using focus keyword

The Bad Things

  • She forgot to add meta description again! This is a serious mistake.

missing page description


  • She forgot to emphasize on her suggested keyword using bold and italic text. She could have used related keywords suggested by WTT here.

missing bold and italic text

  • The keyword density in her post is almost negligible. WTT suggests that adding the keyword 6 times can improve search appearance significantly. Without a proper keyword density, it is really difficult to rank high in SERPs. Though the length of her article is acceptable. Fixing this part can improve page score by 80%!

low keyword density in webtexttool

The Good Things

  • Her title is well optimized and follows best SEO practices as highlighted by WTT

optimized page title

  • She has used highest priority H1 tag in her title.

optimized H1 headline

  • She has also made fair use of H3 tags for Sub headlines but adding her focus keyword at least once in these headlines can do wonders.

optimized  Subheadlines


Now lets dig further to see if more errors exists in her post.

3. Accessibility Checker

This tool will help us optimize media content by finding missing alt tags in your blog images.

Go to Tools > Accessibility Checker.

accessibility checker in webtexttool

A window will guide you step by step to locate the errors in blog images and will give you option to fix it with a click of a button by optimizing blog images with keyword rich alternative text. Amazingly Nida forgot to add alt tags in a total 11 images. =/

accessibility checker in webtexttool


4. Sentiment Analysis

Here we can find out about the language tone used by the author and whether it follows ethical blogging standards or not.

Go To Tools > Analyze Sentiment

page sentiment summary

Luckily everything look normal here which shows that her verbal expressions are well expressed.

5. Readability Scores

Readability Tests are designed to indicate how difficult a reading text is to understand, usually by counting syllables, words and sentences inside your blog posts or general articles.

Go to Tools > Readability

page readability score

She scored on average 80% or 8, which means the post can be easily understood by a wide range of audience from age 14 onwards. Since most of our articles target teenagers, so this score means a well written post.

6. Page Trackers

The webtexttool Page Tracker allows you to track the Google rank of your published content for a given keyword. webtexttool page tracker

To start tracking a page, we simply need to fill in the URL and Google domain. WTT take the keyword from the current page you are optimizing in WTT editor. It then starts tracking the rank and the optimization score and will report it to you. I love this feature and it really helps us know where we stand in SERPs.

webtexttool page tracker  


Your Views

I could not be more honest with you than sharing with you the SEO mistakes of my co-author as a CASE STUDY with all of you. God knows how will sister Nida react to this! =d

Managing multiple blogs at a time is difficult unless you have tools and resources to lighten up your burden. Webtexttool has really helped me save precious time by making it easy for me to audit blog posts and fix the SEO mistakes instantly. WTT really helps you optimize all of your web content to make sure that you rank high in search engines like Google and Bing. I have been using several SEO tools for the past 7 years but so far none could provide us the above mentioned features.

I strongly recommend that you sign up the sooner possible with WTT. Use their 14 days free trial period and if you can offered, then go for Silver plan which is the partner plan I am using for managing all web content including those of my clients.

I hope this post may help you better understand how to optimize your blog posts using keyword suggestions and realtime optimization. Do share your feedback about this latest development and let me know if you have any queries to ask related to this Webtexttool review. Which of the features above impressed you the most and why? Do share your precious views. Peace and blessings buddies! =)

Thursday, 21 January 2016

Why Should You Start Building A Facebook Group?

Why build a Facebook Group?

For many individuals and businesses, Facebook has been the go-to place for creating hype and marketing content on social media. And because of its sheer user base and because audience likes to associate with a brand socially before engaging, it is safe to say that Facebook Pages became the de-facto standard for businesses operating in the social playground. But over the past couple years, some businesses have slowed down their Facebook operation thanks to a plummeting organic reach after many Facebook news feed algorithm updates. Facebook Pages are old and bulky. Facebook Groups are now hot in fashion.

This is a two-part post. In the first post, we will discuss why we need Facebook Groups now. And in the second, we will look into ways of building a strong group on Facebook.

Why build a Facebook Group?

Facebook Groups are nothing new. They have been around for many years now, and people have been using them for various purposes. For the most part though, they have only rarely been used to drive organic traffic. But more recently, they have started appearing again and businesses who had given up on Facebook marketing are turning to a new ray of hope once again.

1. Facebook is still relevant

The advent of social apps such as Instagram and Snapchat has meant that quite a lot of people who are mostly only interested in connecting with friends (such as youngsters) are not as active on Facebook. Individuals aside, some businesses have given up on Facebook marketing too because of the hopeless newsfeed algorithm updates. This means that there's a lot less clutter out there, and a lot more competing ground.

Around the end of year 2015, Mark Zuckerberg announced that for the first time in history, Facebook has seen over 1 billion active users in a single day. This means that Facebook has become more relevant than ever, despite the sheer number of users. Facebook marketing isn't going anywhere. And it is time for you to fight for new ground which might otherwise soon be lost.

2. Groups notifications are more effective

The major problem with Facebook marketing used to be the Newsfeed algorithm, which Facebook pages rely upon for organic exposure. For any given page, only a fraction of its followers will see its update, wasting a huge amount of organic reach in its wake. In comparison, Facebook Groups send users a notification when someone posts, thus making more people check it out and more organic traffic to flow.

Users may silence these notifications if your group isn't adding value. So be careful about adding content that is really valuable to your followers.

3. Improved credentials

With an active Facebook group, you have a the ability to drive quality traffic with a single post. And that gives you a very good and powerful value proposition. With a Facebook Page, you're an unknown page owner. But within groups, you share ideas and exchange value with your actively engaged followers. And you can leverage this ability of yours to get solid links for yourself.

4. Free content

Facebook Pages are an amazing marketing resource even though they lack as much organic reach. But maintaining a Facebook Page is a job in itself and you have to spend time creating content. You need a dedicated resource to manage it.

Facebook Groups have the edge here, however, because they are crowd-sourced and practically run themselves. They're relatively low-maintenance and free. All you need to do is keep a check on spam.

Although Facebook Groups are nothing new, they're being rediscovered as a far more useful resource than a Facebook Page, and could potentially prove to be a the new trend for this year in social marketing.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

10 Ways To Stop Google From Changing Page Titles

Stop Google From Changing Page TitlesYou might have seen the annoying habit of Google to rewrite your <Title> tags in Search results. This algorithm has effected publishers from all platforms. All BlogSpot and WordPress blogs have their page titles replaced with different keywords. Sometimes Google could even add your homepage URL to the end of a title tag. Just recently we observed the Home Title of our blog modified completely inside Mobile search results. This really annoyed us and we dig down to make some changes to our blog template to reduce the chances of an automatic title change. Out of many options, 4 of our tested experiments and 6 proposed by Google have remarkably improved our search appearance and really helped in displaying the original page titles in search results that we used for our blog posts.  The SEO configurations below are not limited to Blogger blogs and can be easily applied to any website you are running with slight modifications. Today's post will prove that you are responsible for 70% of the times your Title tags look different in Search results and the remaining 30% of the times, its Google who can be blamed.

Why is Google Changing your Titles in Search Results?

We refer few when it comes to taking authentic SEO tips and Matt Cutts is one of them who is Google's Webspam team head. First view his video below to get a clear idea of how Google picks rich snippets for your blog or website.

Google gives the following explanation of why it changes your Title tags:

If we�ve detected that a particular result has one of the above issues (refering to point 1-6 of this tutorial) with its title, we may try to generate an improved title from anchors, on-page text, or other sources. However, sometimes even pages with well-formulated, concise, descriptive titles will end up with different titles in our search results to better indicate their relevance to the query. There�s a simple reason for this: the title tag as specified by a webmaster is limited to being static, fixed regardless of the query. Once we know the user�s query, we can often find alternative text from a page that better explains why that result is relevant. Using this alternative text as a title helps the user, and it also can help your site. Users are scanning for their query terms or other signs of relevance in the results, and a title that is tailored for the query can increase the chances that they will click through.

I guess the above explanation is self understandable and I am sure you might be thinking "How can a robot decide what should be the title of my page?"

I can agree with you for 70% of the times but if you read this tutorial further you will realize that our unwilling SEO mistakes is forcing Google to correct these mistakes in order to provide better search experience to its users.

Following are some possible tips recommended by Google (1-6) and us (6-10) that you must follow in order to write high quality titles to make sure your webpage titles are not modified by search robots.

1. Every Page Must Contain a <title> tag.

I am sure even a newbie publisher would know that but I can still see thousands of pages with no title tag inside the document head. Most people think using <h1> tag is enough but that is not true. Title tag defines your primary title and is a must to use.

2. Titles Should be Descriptive

Like in the video above Matt recommend that instead of writing vague descriptors like Starbucks Homepage they could avoid using homepage and instead utilize a more better keyword like Coffee. If you search Starbucks website today you would see they have now applied this tip:

Incorrect Title:

My Blogger Tricks - Homepage

Correct Title:

My Blogger Tricks


3. Avoid Keyword Stuffing

Avoid using repeated keywords or using phrases multiple times. Keyword stuffing is spam and is a serious SEO sin. A title like "Flash Disk, USB Disk, USB, USB Drive" doesn't help the user. Do you really think, someone can fool search engines with such black hat SEO techniques in 2016? Of course such titles deserve to be regenerated automatically by Google itself.

4. Avoid Repeated or Boilerplate Titles

Comma separated information ("boilerplate" titles) are also bad because they contain a lot of uninformative text. Just simply use your brand name as the homepage title or add a meaningful phrase but not comma separated keywords for God sake! If you do so, Google will be forced to rewrite your title tag or even consider you as keyword spammer.

Incorrect Title:

MY Blogger Tricks - Find Templates, Widgets, Plugins, SEO Tips etc.

Correct Titles:

MY Blogger Tricks - Start a blog!

MY Blogger Tricks - Your Guide to Blogging

MY Blogger Tricks - Your Blogging Guru

or simply the brand name itself if it is descriptive:

MY Blogger Tricks

In our case since our blog domain is a tag line itself so we have just used "My Blogger Tricks" with no additional punch line.

5. Brand Your Site Title But Avoid It On Every Page

You can create a homepage title like "Brand: Some 2-3 words Tag line". Show such descriptive title only on homepage but don't add it in every blog post. Adding up your brand name in every webpage also does not makes sense. It hurts readability and forces google to either truncate that long title or regenerate a new concise title for you.

Incorrect Post Title:

10 Ways To Stop Google From Changing Your Page Titles - My Blogger Tricks

Correct Post Title:

10 Ways To Stop Google From Changing Your Page Titles

6. Backlinks Can Help Generate Titles For Private Sites

Even if you have noindexed your site, Google can still access it from your backlinks and generate titles for your blog based on the anchor text. If you don't want to appear in search then use the meta tag to noindex your content and not the robots.txt file.

Our Recommendations

The tips below are some of the solutions that we tried as experiment and it worked just great Alhamdulillah.

7. Title Too Short

Google typically displays the first 55-60 characters of a title tag which includes spaces, commas and everything in between.  But if your title is extremely short (less than 15 ) then Google will concatenate your Homepage title with it or your URL or regenerate a completely new title.

Our Advertise Page has title "ADVERTISE HERE" but google displays it as shown in the screenshot below:


Your About/Contact/Sitemap/Advertise pages can surely contain short titles and even if Google adds up your homepage title next to it then it wont be much of the problem but you would really not like Google to start treating your blog posts or articles like this! So make sure your Content pages where you post articles must have a descriptive title with a character count of no more than 60 characters.

Incorrect Post Title - Too Short:

Google Changes Titles

Correct Title:

10 Ways To Stop Google From Changing Your Page Titles

8. Avoid adding Blog Title In Every Page

Here I will share the solution to Tip#5 and will also elaborate it.

In custom Blogger templates most designers due to insufficient SEO technical skills, often add blog title next to every Page on your blog which includes the Posts and Static Pages.

Your main website title can be added in every page only if your Domain name is short and precise i.e One word domain names. But if your domain consists of 2-4 keywords then it is recommend that you avoid adding it on every single page.

Since our domain name consists of 2 keywords i.e. "My Blogger Tricks" which is self explanatory therefore we have not added it to the title tag of posts, which thus stops the post title from looking too long in search results over 60 Characters.

To optimize your Blogspot Titles, follow these steps:

1 Go To Blogger > Template

2 Backup your template

3 Click Edit HTML and search for this code or similar to this:


<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
<data:blog.pageName/> - <data:blog.title/>


4 Replace the above code with this optimize Title tag code

        <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>

5 Save your template and you are free from worries!

9.  "Next" or "Previous" text displayed In Your Titles

This is yet another SEO mistake done by most bloggers and I will write a complete new post on this issue to help you fix it. The post will be published shortly this week. I will update this point shortly.

UPDATE: This post has been published:  Is Google adding Next/Previous text in your titles?

10. Stop Google From Changing Your Homepage Title

If one of your pages happens to receive most of the traffic, Google could consider the keywords inside that post and some others to coin up a new name for your website or blog! Google completely changed our home title to "Blogger Widgets" in mobile devices just recently which really annoyed us. Upon searching we explored an easy fix which uses JSON to tell Google "Do not mess with my title!" This fix can be applied only to homepage.

This interesting trick will be shared this week and details will be added in this section. Stay tuned for the updates. I will update this point shortly.

Need Help?

If you have any questions related to any of the points above, please feel free to post your queries in the comment box below. I just hope I could clearly explain all the possible reasons that is causing automatic changes in your page titles that appear in SERPs. All these tips have helped us increase website search traffic by 20% recently and I wish it may equally benefit you as well. Do share your feedback and queries. Peace and blessings buddies! =)

Monday, 11 January 2016

Stop all Internal Links From Opening In New Window

Open links in new window in blogger and wordpressIn 2013 we shared a script snippet that helped you to automatically open all external links in a new browser window. That script received great feedback and we thought to further enhance it. Today's jquery script will prevent internal links containing the attribute target="_blank" from opening in a new tab. It will open all links inside a new window except internal links. This plugin will look for all http and https hyperlinks inside your blog content section which includes the blog post body and comment body. It will then add a target="_blank" attribute to all external links but will remove target="_blank" attribute from all internal links found inside your blog post and comments.

The target attribute inside <a> tag was never meant for internal links at all and therefore it makes no sense to irritate your website visitors by opening blog links inside new tabs thus forcing them to close the previous page in order to read the current page in new tab. The tutorial below includes instructions for both blogspot blogs and wordpress blogs. This script will immensely improve your daily pageviews and will tremendously decrease the overall blog bounce rate thus leading to a better search engine ranking and of course blog revenue.  We have implemented it on mbt and also on our wordpress blog and it is working just great Alhamdulillah.

Open all links In New Tab Except Internal Links

Blogger templates and Wordpress themes have different DOM structures and therefore due to the difference in class and ID name, I will be discussing the installation steps separately for both platforms.


1 Go To Blogger > Template

2 Backup your template

3 Click Edit HTML

4 Paste the following script just above </head> tag.

<script async='true' src='' type='text/javascript'></script>

<script type='text/javascript'>
//Open External Links in New Window - Plugin by
$("#Blog1 a[href^=http], #Blog1 a[href^=https]")
    if (this.href.indexOf(location.hostname) == -1){
      $(this).attr({ "target":"_blank" })}
    if (this.href.indexOf(location.hostname) != -1){
    if ( $(this).attr('target') == '_blank')  {$(this).attr("target", "");}}


Note: Remove the yellow highlighted code if you already have added jQuery library inside your template

5 Save your template and all done!


Follow these steps for a wordpress blog to open external links in a new window but open internal links inside the same window.

1 Go to your theme settings page or go to Appearance > Editor > header.php

2 Paste the following code just above </head> tag.

<script async='true' src='' type='text/javascript'></script>

<script type='text/javascript'>
//Open External Links in New Window - Plugin by
$("#content a[href^=http], #content a[href^=https]")
if (this.href.indexOf(location.hostname) == -1){
$(this).attr({ "target":"_blank" })}
if (this.href.indexOf(location.hostname) != -1){
if ( $(this).attr('target') == '_blank') {$(this).attr("target", "");}}


Note: Remove the yellow highlighted code if you already have added jQuery library inside your template

3 Save  Settings and you are all done!

How are Internal and external links Identified?

The script looks for all links inside the post body and comment body. It then removes target attribute from all internal links and adds it in external links only. The location.hostname variable checks if the link is an internal link or external. For external links the condition is set to ==-1 and for internal links the condition is set to !=-1

If you are using my old script, I will recommend that you replace it with this new script which is much more lightweight and SEO friendly..

I hope these new script may put a positive effect on your overall page impressions and help you engage readers more on your site instead of irritating them with popping links in new tabs. Let me know if you need any help. =)

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Font Awesome Shortcodes � Add Icons Easily!

Font Awesome ShortcodesIntroduction of Shortcodes Plugin for Blogger blogs was our biggest contribution to Blogspot community last year and to make sure we continue providing free support and development to the plugin, we are releasing some new shortcodes to make your content writing hobby even more worthwhile in 2016. Today we are releasing Font Awesome Icons Shortcodes, that will help you add FontAwesome Icons anywhere on your blog with a simple one liner textual code. You can now add FontAwesome vector icons inside Blog posts, sidebar content, sidebar headlines, header description and exclusively inside blogger comments box! The plugin includes the latest dynamically updated github source link to fontawesome library to make sure your blog keeps supporting all new icons and aliases added in the official icons directory. Lets first see its demo in action!

Note: The premium version of this shortcode plugin works with any CMS platform like WordPress, joomla, drupal or any HTML site. Contact us for a quotation.

1. Install Blogger Shortcode Plugin

In order to use FontAwesome shortcode you must first install the shortcode plugin for your blogger blog by following 7 easy steps shared inside the link below:

Skip installing this plugin if you have already added it in your blogspot template

2. How To Add Font Awesome Shortcode?

With this shortcode, you will be able to customize your icons in 8 different ways.

Flip it:
[icon name="youtube" flip="vertical"/]

Pulse it:
[icon name="spinner" animation="pulse"/]

Rotate it:
[icon name="thumbs-up" rotate="90"/]

Resize it:
[icon name="tag" size="3x"/]

Spin it:
[icon name="cog" animation="spin"/] 

Link it:
<a href="#">[icon name="home"/]</a>

Color it:
[icon name="shopping-cart" color="#65C002"/]

Give Fix Width:
[icon name="users" fix="fw"/]

The third column above shows the syntax on how to write down your Icon Shortcode. You can add it easily in both compose mode or Source/HTML mode of your blogger editor. Lets discuss the attributes in detail:

  1. Type Icon name inside name attribute. Full list of icon names can be found here.

  2. Use size attribute to increase icon sizes relative to their container. Size values supported are lg (33% increase), 2x, 3x, 4x, and 5x.

  3. Use fix to set icons at a fixed width. Useful when different icon widths go off alignment. Especially useful in things like nav lists & list groups. Set value as fw

  4. Use the animation attribute to get any icon to spin, or to have the icon rotate with 8 steps by setting it to pulse.

  5. To arbitrarily rotate icons, use the rotate attribute. Set value to following degree directions 90, 180, 270.

  6. To flip icons vertically or horizontally use flip. Set value to either horizontal or vertical.

  7. To change color of icon use color attribute. You can use web standard color names by simply typing orange, red, blue etc or you can use hexadecimal color codes.

  8. To hyperlink an icon simply enclose the shortcode inside href a tags.

You can also use the icons inside the other shortcodes list that we shared. For example to create a button with facebook, twitter, google-plus icon inside it, we will simply use button shortcode followed by Fontawesome shortcode.


[button size="medium" color="fb"] [icon name="facebook"/] Like [/button]

[button size="medium" color="blue"] [icon name="twitter"/] Follow [/button]

[button size="medium" color="red"] [icon name="google-plus"/] Follow [/button]


buttons created using fontawesome shortcode

Wasn't that easy? =)

Need Help?

I hope you find this most demanded FontAwesome shortcode useful for your content writing and blogging hobby. Let me know if you needed any help in understanding any part of the above tutorial. Feel free to leave your precious feedback. Peace and blessings buddies! =)