Monday, 29 October 2007

Free Blogger Templates

Blogger Templates from Blogcrowds
Here i show some sample blogger templates from Blogcrowds. Get your free templates from Blogcrowds with many other different template: 3 column, 2 column, light, dark, blue, pink, green, red, orange, yellow, brown, gray, minimalistic, artistic, monochromatic, web2.0, niche

Get It Now!

Blogcrowds offering an opportunity to get a FREE PR5 link at blogcrowds template pages to increase your PageRank and significant amount of traffic.


You may join Blogcrowds community as well to start discussion about blogging, share your knowledge and experience or other related online matters with each other at Blogcrowds forum.

Join Now!

Sunday, 28 October 2007

Blogging for Affiliate Relationships

One of the most important reasons to blog first is the relationships within your niche that you will develop. You should be producing content that gets you noticed, and networking with other blog owners that have complimentary audiences.

This can get you links, which leads to traffic, subscribers and eventual buyers. But the relationships you establish have much more value than that. Those key people can also become your affiliates, joint venture partners, and a source for crucial pre-launch feedback and testimonials.

Recruiting quality people to sell your product for you is harder than many people think. But it�s a whole lot easier when you have built up credibility with your blog, well before you start selling anything.

Friday, 26 October 2007

Marketing Information: Generate Targeted Traffic

Marketing Information: Generate Targeted Traffic

NO! to Link Spamming

In the World Wide Web, link popularity or gathering quality back links is an imperative SEO strategy to higher ranks among SERPS. Web Masters have a strong desire for commercial success but are faced with equally austere competition from peers. The phenomena has been paving way for exploration of all kinds of means and ways to garner high quality backlinks � both legitimate and not so legitimate from the point of view of Google Search Engine spiders.

Link spam is one of the illegitimate methods of achieving quick and easy link popularity. Under the purview, a webmaster links to a Link farm or a website with no other business but to provide web pages full of irrelevant links on various communities. Link Spam may also imply other miscellaneous methods viz. hidden links, Sybil attack, Wiki spam, spam in blogs, spam blogs, page hijacking, referrer log spamming and buying expired domains.

All these methods basically intend to fool the Google�s link-based ranking algorithms (including HITS algorithm) into believing that the webmaster�s website enjoys substantial number of favorable votes. The votes in turn explicate to the search engine spiders that the website is informative, useful, unique and popular, which in turn means better creditability. The objective behind Link spam is absolutely and solely to increase link popularity and never to enrich the content of the website or better the user experience.

As the saying goes, �prevention is better than cure� � Link spam can be avoided by having the knowledge of it and preventing it then and there. Understanding the underlying logic behind the illegal nature of link spamming sheds a good amount of light on what can be a link spam, even if not described here in the text.

Some examples of Link spamming include

(1) Putting links where visitors cannot find them � Hidden Links

(2) Forging multiple identities or creating multiple websites at different domain names and linking them all to each other, thus indulging in fake link popularity - �Sybil attack�

(3) Misusing the open edit-ability feature of wiki system to place links from Wiki to the spam site � Wiki spam

(4) Irrelevant and unwanted nonsense post received from an automated software - Spam in blogs

(5) A fake blog created solely for link spamming, also known as spam blogs

(6) Creating a rogue copy of a popular site that shows contents similar to the original website to a web crawler but in effect diverts the traffic to irrelevant and spiteful websites

All link spam based propagation of text links visible on the face are bogus and barely a fallacy. In gist, these methods simply overlook the very purpose of Google�s algorithms � that is to ensure popular and informative sites appear in the SERPs in descending order for the benefit of the user. Therefore, as soon as one of these practices is detected, the relevant website is removed (either temporarily or permanently) from the Google�s search engine index, as a penalty

Thursday, 25 October 2007

The 10 Online Steps To Online Success

Here it is:

Step 1: Find a niche market -- Use research tools like Wordtracker to find a niche market of HUNGRY buyers eager for your product or service

Step 2: Write your salescopy -- Write compelling copy that leads your visitors smoothly through your sales process

Step 3: Set up your online store -- Turn your website into a selling machine using a simple design, easy navigation, and automation

Step 4: Drive buyers to your site -- Create "paid search" ads that attract INSTANT traffic (without draining your bank account!) and use free search engines to get your site "front and center"

Step 5: Drive more cheap and FREE traffic -- Use strategies like article-sharing and press releases to drive even MORE people to your site

Step 6: Use email to get MORE sales -- Build a subscriber list of people who WANT to hear from you, so you can convince them to buy over time

Step 7: Find MORE products for your customers -- Offer your customers even more products you know they want to buy

Step 8: Get other people to sell for you -- Recruit an army of salespeople to sell your products on their websites (and you won't have to pay them a dime unless they help you make a sale!)

Step 9: Grow your business BIGGER -- Create dozens of new streams of income to multiply your revenues

Step 10: Use hot new tools to create a buzz -- Bring visitors back to your site again and again using the hottest new tools and techniques

More Revelant Topic...

Blogging Tips and Advice

1) Write every day if you think you're a good writer, write twice a day.

2) Don't be afraid to do anything. in fact if you're afraid of something, do it. then do it again. and again.

3) Don't tell your mom, your work, your friends, the people you want to date, or the people you want to work for about your blog. if they find out and you'd rather they didn't read it, ask them nicely to grant you your privacy.

4) Have comments. don't be upset if no one writes in your comments for a long time. eventually they'll write in there. if people start acting mean in your comments, ask them to stop, they probably will.

5) Have an email address clearly displayed on your blog. sometimes people want to tell you that you rock in private.

6) Don't worry very much about the design of your blog. image is a fake out.

7) Use Blogger. it's easy, it's free; and because they are owned by Google, your blog will get spidered better, you will show up in more search results, and more people will end up at your blog. besides, all the other blogging software & alternatives pretty much suck.

8) Use spell check unless you're completely totally keeping it real. but even then you might want to use it if you think you wrote something really good.

9) Say exactly what you want to say no matter what it looks like on the screen. then say something else. then keep going. and when youre done, re-read it, and edit it and hit publish and forget about it.

10) Link like crazy. link anyone who links you, link your favorites, link your friends. don't be a prude. linking is what separates bloggers from apes. and especially link if you're trying to prove a point and someone else said it first. it lends credibility even if you're full of ****.

11) If you haven't written about sex, religion, and politics in a week you're probably playing it too safe, which means you probably ****ed up on #5, in which case start a second blog and keep your big mouth shut about it this time.

12) Remember: nobody cares which N*Sync member you are, what State you are, which Party of Five kid you are, or which Weezer song you are. the second you put one of those things on your blog you need to delete your blog and try out for the marching band. similarly, nobody gives a **** what the weather is like in your town, nobody wants you to change their cursor into a butterfly, nobody wants to vote on whether your blog is hot or not, and nobody gives a rat ass what song you're listening to. write something Real for you, about you, every day.

13) Don't be afraid if you think something has been said before. it has. and better. big whoop. say it anyway using your own words as honestly as you can. just let it out.

14) Set Site Meter and make it available for everyone to see. if you're embarrassed that not a lot of people are clicking over to your page, don't be embarrassed by the number, be embarrassed that you actually give a crap about hits to your gay blog. it really is just a blog. and hits really don't mean anything. you want Site Meter, though, to see who is linking you so you can thank them and so you can link them back. similarly, use Technorati, but don't obsess. write.

15) People like pictures. use them. save them to your own server. or use Blogger's free service. if you don't know how to do it, learn. also get a Buzznet account. several things will happen once you start blogging, one of them is you will learn new things. thats a good thing.

16) Before you hit Save as Draft or Publish Post, select all and copy your masterpiece. you are using a computer and the internet, **** can happen. no need to lose a good post.

17) Push the envelope in what you're writing about and how you're saying it. be more and more honest. get to the root of things. start at the root of things and get deeper. dig. think out loud. keep typing. keep going. eventually you'll find a little treasure chest. every time you blog this can happen if you let it.

18) Change your style. mimic people. write beautiful lies. dream in public. kiss and tell. finger and tell. cry scream fight sing **** and don't be afraid to be funny. the easiest thing to do is whine when you write. don't be lazy. audblog at least once a week.

19) Write open letters. make lists. call people out on their bullshit. lead by example. invent and reinvent yourself. start by writing about what happened to you today. for example today i told a hot girl how wonderfully hot she is.

20) When in doubt review something. theres not enough reviews on blogs. review a movie you just saw, a tv show, a cd, a kiss you just got, a restaurant, a hike you just took, anything.

21) You may constantly write about the town that you live in.

23) Out yourself. tell your secrets. you can always delete them later.

24) Don't use your real name. don't write about your work unless you dont care about getting fired.

25) Don't be afraid to come across as an asswipe. own your asswipeness.

26) Nobody likes poems. don't put your poems on your blog. not even if they're incredible. especially if they're incredible. odds are they're not incredible. bad poems are funny sometimes though, so fine, put you dumb poems on there. whatever.

27) Read tons of blogs and leave nice comments. Write something about your friends.

28) Don't apologize about not blogging. nobody cares. just start blogging again.

Reprinted with permission from Busblog

Wednesday, 24 October 2007

SEO Tips: Link Building

This article is a follow-up to an article I wrote about On-Page Optimization (SEO tips on page optimization). On-Page optimization enables each of your web pages to make the most out of the mojo that they have -- but you need inbound links (Search Engine FAQ) to create that mojo in the first place.

I use the term "mojo" as a generic descriptor for the importance given to a web page or a web site based upon inbound links. Similar terms include page rank, site rank, trust rank, and authority. Those terms tend to carry too much linguistic baggage, so I use the term "mojo" for simplicity unless another term is specifically required.

Mojo is created by getting inbound links to your web site and to your web pages.

Getting inbound links is one of the most important, and time consuming, tasks involved in SEO.

Here are a few tips to generate inbound links. Each of these tips are appropriate for some web sites, but none are appropriate for all web sites. Select the link building strategies which are most appropriate for your specific web site.

Submit to Web Directories
Start with big slow directories like the Yahoo Directory and the DMOZ Open Directory Project, but don't stop there.

Search out the small directories which are dedicated to topics relevant to your web site.

For more suggestions on finding directories to submit to, read How can I find web directories? (Find Web Directories)

Reciprocal Linking
Write individual e-mails to specific webmasters whose web pages compliment your own and tell them that you would like to trade links with them.

Make sure to personalize each e-mail, or your e-mails will be quickly deleted as spam.

To achieve the best results from your e-mail, include the following in your initial e-mail:

* Mention two positive items about their web site, so that they know that your e-mail is not a generic spam.

* Include directions to the specific web page where you have added the link to their web site.

* Mention the Page Rank ( of the page where you have added a link to their web site.

These web sites exist to help you search for reciprocal link partners in the same market niche' as your web site:

* Find Link Partners
* Link Partner Finder
* Themes Reciprocal Link Finder

Write Articles for Other Web Sites

One method for getting inbound links is to write quality articles and submit them to other web sites for publication.

Each article should include a link back to your web site.

These links are better than links from link pages, because there tend to be very few outbound links on the article page.

Write a brief article on some topic related to the topic of your web site. Do not write an article about your web site, but write an article that would be interesting to people who would also be interested in your web site.

Send this article to webmasters who maintain web sites on topics similar to the topic of your article. Explain to them that they can post your article for free on their web sites, in return for a link to your web site.

To find web sites to submit articles for publication, visit Where can I submit an article for publication? (Submit Articles)

Create and Submit Press Releases
Write press releases about your web site and submit them to press release distribution services.

To find places to submit press releases for publication, visit Where can I submit my press release?

Join a Reciprocal Link Program

Reciprocal linking programs exist to help webmasters share links with similar web sites.

Some of the reciprocal link programs are:

* Link Market
* Info Wizards
* LinkExchanged
* Link Partners
* Links-Pal
* Linkateer
* Webmaster Link Exchange
* LinkLeads
* Link Traders
* LinkExchangeIt
* SiteSell
* 123ExchangeLinks
* Ads4Links
* Spocka
* Links For You

If you have a blog, try blogLinker, the automatic link swapper for blogs.

These link networks can generate a lot of e-mail. You will probably want to create a new e-mail account just for these networks.

Join the DigitalPoint Ad Network
The DigitalPoint Coop Advertising Network enables you to automatically trade links with thousands of web sites across the Internet.

Join a Reciprocal Linking Forum

Several web forums exist for the purpose of sharing and trading reciprocal links. These linking forums include:

Link Trade Forum

Start a Reciprocal Linking Program on Your Web Site
You can also setup a reciprocal linking program on your own web site.

For more information on setting up a reciprocal linking program on your site, read How can I add a reciprocal link manager to my web site?

Start or Join a Web Ring
You can use an existing web ring service such as WebRing, or you can create your own web ring using the PHP-Ring webring script.

Join or Create a Top Site List

Search for top site lists which are relevant to your web site.

Add yourself to the existing lists. If no relevant top site lists exist, create one.

Provide a Useful Service

Create dynamic content on your web site which other web masters can include on their web sites by linking to it.

Every webmaster who uses your content automatically adds a link to your site.

Firearm News is an excellent example of this. If you add a small bit of JavaScript to your web page, your users will receive up-to-date news on firearms.

Of course, you will also have to contact other webmasters to let them know about your service -- perhaps even with a press release.

Buy Links

If all else fails, you can always buy links to your web site.

Will Spencer is the webmaster of The Internet Search Engines FAQ (Internet Search Engine FAQ), SAN Security (San Security), and Enterprise Storage Management (Enterprise Storage Management).
More Revelant Topic...

Who are the Major Search Engine?

No surprise, Google currently holds the #1 spot. We remember when Yahoo was king and Google had yet to be born. In the early days there were a dozen or more search engines considered to be major players. Today, Google, Yahoo and MSN collectively dominate over 95% of all search engine traffic (keep in mind that AOL pulls their results from Google as well). Thus, when it comes to search engine optimization and search engine marketing services, our main focus is generating top positions within the big three - Google, Yahoo & MSN.

Google also supplies results to Earthlink, AT&T and dozens of other partners. Yahoo has since purchased Overture, AltaVista, FAST and Inktomi, making them Google's #1 competitor.

(Other smaller search engines include Ask, Dogpile, Excite, Netscape, MetaCrawler,, AllTheWeb, Lycos and HotBot)

Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Important Of Link Popularity

Link popularity is a measure of the quantity and quality of other web sites that link to a specific site on the World Wide Web . It is an example of the move by search engines towards off-the-page-criteria to determine quality content. In theory, off-the-page-criteria adds the aspect of impartiality to search engine rankings.

Link popularity plays an important role in the visibility of a web site among the top of the search results. Indeed, some search engines require at least one or more links coming to a web site, otherwise they will drop it from their index.

Search engines such as Google use a special link analysis system to rank web pages . Citations from other WWW authors help to define a site's reputation. The philosophy of link popularity is that important sites will attract many links. Content-poor sites will have difficulty attracting any links. Link popularity assumes that not all incoming links are equal, as an inbound link from a major directory carries more weight than an inbound link from an obscure personal home page . In other words, the quality of incoming links counts more than sheer numbers of them.
More Revelant Topic...

Friday, 19 October 2007

Adding Background Music

The majority of websites on the Internet do not have background music. This may lead many novice MySpace members to believe adding music to the background is a difficult process but it really isn�t. In fact MySpace makes it incredibly simple for members to add music to their profiles. The steps to add music to a MySpace profile are as follows:

* Log into your MySpace account
* While logged in visit this web address:
* Listen to the music available and select a suitable song for your profile
* Click on the link that says �Add� below the song title
* The music is then automatically added to your profile

It is important to note that users can only add one song at a time to their profile. Clicking the �Add� link on a second song will result in the original song being replaced on the profile by the new song. Songs can be removed from a profile at any time by going to the �Edit profile� section of your account and entering the �Profile songs� subcategory. Here you have the option to remove your chosen song.

Adding Videos to MySpace

Adding videos to MySpace is also not as difficult as it seems. Even those with no HTML skills can add videos produced by other members or even their own videos to their MySpace profile. The steps to add a video to your MySpace profile are as follows:

* Log into your MySpace Account
* From your MySpace homepage, click on the �Add/Change Videos� link
* You are then taken to another webpage where you can either search through a database of previously uploaded videos or upload your own video
* To search the database, click on the search videos button and browse through the available videos
* After watching a video you can add the video to your profile in a couple of ways. First you can click on the �Add to my profile� button or you can copy the source code provided and paste this code into the desired location on your profile.

Alternately you can add your own videos to your MySpace profile by first uploading them to MySpace and then adding them to your profile. When uploading a video care should be taken to ensure the video does not violate the terms of service.

Creating Interactive Features on MySpace

Creating interactive features on MySpace is a bit more involved. Members can create features which allow visitor interaction but these features require more extensive HTML knowledge. The best way to acquire the information necessary to design these types of features is to research the subject of HTML code in books or on the Internet. However, if you find a feature on another MySpace website you would like to include in your own profile you can contact the member and ask them how to add this feature.

Blogger�s guide to HTML

Knowledge of some basic html coding is a very useful tool for bloggers. Web design programs are fine if you like to use them, but may prove somewhat tricky when trying to adapt code to paste into a layout or post. With a bit of html, you can easily transform your blog into something unique, interesting, and even easier to use. So here�s a quick guide to HTML code and links to useful sites where you can find out more:


Most blog clients have a formatting feature built in to the post editor. But if you want to
align text in the navbar for instance, you will have to do this yourself.

To create a paragraph (with spaces automatically inserted between paragraphs), you would
insert the following code:

< p > Your paragraph of text here < /p >

By default, text is aligned within a paragraph to the left. The code for this is as follows:

< p align=�left� > Your paragraph of text here < /p >

To align text to the right hand side of the page, you would add code like this:

< p align=�right� > Your paragraph of text here < /p >

And to centralise:

< p align=�center� > Your paragraph of text here < /p >

You can also use this simpler code to centralise text, images, tables, etc:

< center > Text/image/table/etc here < /center >

To insert a line break (no paragraph space), use this:

< /br >

Line breaks can be useful if you don�t want text to be beneath an image instead of following
on at the side.

Horizontal rules can also be useful in design. You can insert a simple horizontal rule across the available space in the page like this:

< /hr >

Which looks like this:

To make the horizontal rule span only half of the page, try this instead:

< hr width=�50%� >

You could align it to the centre of the page:

< center > < hr width=�50%� > < /center >

And you can even change the colour and thickness!

< hr width=�50%� color=�ff0000? size=�10? >

HTML code for a page link:

Basic links are simple, and usually appear as a feature in blogging platforms. However, there are some interesting features you can use with links, such as linking to different areas of the same page (or different areas of another page entirely!).

The basic html code for a page link is as follows:

< a href=�pagename.html� > Your link text here < a >

You can change the link text to anything you want, such as My Link, or LOOK HERE!.

Let�s suppose you want to link to a different part of the page. Here is where �anchors� come in handy�

You can create an anchor to the top of a page as follows:

At the top of your page, insert this code: < a name=�#top� >

Then wherever you want to provide a link to the top of your page, use something like this:

< a href=�#top� > Back to top < /a >

Save your work and try the link out: you should be taken to the top of the page. You can change these values to link to different areas of a page (as you may have already noticed in this post). Be careful to always insert the �#� symbol and to end the link with < /a >
otherwise you may find the whole page is linked!

If you want to link to another page which includes anchor links as part of the make-up, use something like this:

< a href=�yoursite.htm#top� which will link to the top of the page called �yoursite.htm�

You can input links to email addresses in order for readers to send you an email directly from your blog or site. Rather than using the �http� address, you would use �� like this:

< a href=� > Your email link < /a >

Changing font styles:

You can change the style and color of the font appearing on your blog. To make text bold or italic, use the following codes:

< b > Bold Text < /b >
< I > Italic Text < /i >

To change the color of text, use the following code:

< font color=�red� > Red Text < /font >

You can change �red� to any other colour, such as purple, yellow, blue, green.
Alternatively, you can use hex colours as I will describe below.


You can use almost any colour in the spectrum to make your fonts, backgrounds, tables etc.
more colourful. To do this, you will need to enter the hex code for the colour and implement as follows:

< font color=�ffcc00? > Your font colour < /font >

This inserts golden yellow text, but you can use any colour you wish. Hex colours are comprised of six digits which include the numbers 0-9 and A-F. Black, for example is �000000? and white would be �ffffff� For a complete list of web colour codes, try Cedges Colour Code applet, which is great for previewing colours too!