Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Blogging, Can It Make Money For You?

Blogging is a good way to meet people. Blogging isn't dead but it has sure narrowed down to those who update their blogs regularly. Blogging is bringing new voices to the online world. Most bloggers focus on personal experiences, not politics 7/19/2006 | Release. It is more about speaking out and meeting other people that agree with your narrow point of view. Blogging is easy, almost instant, publishing of content to a website, where every entry is preserved in a database and is therefore categorizeable and searchable.


Blogging combined the personal web page with tools to make linking to other pages easier - specifically permalinks, blogrolls and trackbacks. Blogging was used to draw attention to obscure news sources. It can sometimes have unforeseen consequences in politically sensitive areas. Blogging by established politicians and political candidates, to express opinions on war and other issues, cemented blogs' role as a news source.


Bloggers began to provide nearly-instant commentary on televised events, creating a secondary meaning of the word "blogging": to simultaneously transcribe and editorialize speeches and events shown on television. Bloggers think that good argument and strong opinion cause people to seek information, an equally logical sequence. They post about their day or their opinions on different matters. Bloggers consume and extend the shelf life of our reporting, and they scrutinize it at a new level of intensity. They can critique, fact-check or applaud journalists on their own platform, as well as offer their own analysis of world events.


Journalism is defined in the Penguin English Dictionary as "a profession managing editing or writing for newspapers or perodicals'. Journalism is always up for grabs, because it only exists in a free society, which is free to redefine itself and always does. Journalism, for many who blog, is one thing they are blogging against. Established schools of journalism began researching blogging and noting the differences between journalism and blogging. It's about how blogs and participatory journalism are changing the business of persuasion.


Google should realize that controversy and selling ad space does not go hand in hand and make sure it doesn't happen again, otherwise people will stop seeing Google in terms of 'not being evil' and see it just as another service provider which would massively decimate not only the good will but also the value of the brand name. Google already crossed a line by setting up a blog specifically to cater to the health care industry. Google can't tell the difference, and customers googling may not care that an opinion they find distasteful is "only being done in off hours. But Google is shamelessly using structural information and photos culled from blogs in its own products (like restaurant search in Google maps).


Personal bloggers take pride in their blog posts, even if their blog is never read by anyone but them. Personal blogs may not be important to readers, but for the people who write them, they are works of art. Personally don't feel what I'm putting would be that interesting to most people. Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries. The modern blog evolved from the online diary, where people would keep a running account of their personal lives. Blogging combined the personal web page with tools to make linking to other pages easier - specifically permalinks, blogrolls and TrackBacks.


There's a good chance that if you are reading this you make money online or want to. I think that making money while blogging is like watching grass grow. The reality for most chasing a quick buck from blogging is that few except those at the top of the blogosphere succeed in raking in a lot of money. The vast number of people looking to make a second income from blogging already own and write their own blogs and don't make much money; simply a low paid network blogging job is often more than what they are making from their own blogs. Blogs don't generate that much money so there's no reason to have minimum wages and benefits for bloggers.

Blogging is changing, and for the better. It is a good way to meet people. Blogging isn't dead but it has sure narrowed down to those who update their blogs regularly.

For more information about blogging and other marketing methods, go to Jim Swanks website at:

Jim Swank has been in the internet marketing field for a number of years. His particular area of expertise is showing others how to make a second income on the internet.

Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Get Backlinks To Your Blog - Try These 4 Tips

Once you start your own Internet marketing business you will quickly learn that traffic is king. You have to let people know that you are open for business. People can only find your blog when you have a link pointing back to it.

In this article we will talk about the five best ways to get back links pointing back to your blog.

1. Start a pay per click advertising campaign. Google Adwords is still the strongest pay per click advertising search engine in the world today. You can advertise with many others as well. is one website that contains hundreds of companies where you can advertise your website by bidding on keywords.

There are many things that go into creating a good ppc campaign. It will be important that you do not jump in with both feet until you have taken the time to learn the basics. Because it is still the fastest way to drive targeted traffic to any blog or website we list it number one.

2. Submit your blog post articles to social directories. One quick way to do that is to join They conveniently contained over 20 social directories that you can bookmark your posts too. You will also want to consider joining others such as Stumbleupon, Digg, Propeller and any relevant ones that relate to the theme of your blog.

Every time you post in your blog you should bookmark that post to all of the social directories. This creates links back to each individual post giving you potential traffic.

3. Article marketing is still a fantastic way to create traffic and back links to your website. You should learn everything you can about this excellent marketing strategy. The bottom line is crafting a well-written resource box that contains a link back to your website is one way to get people who read your articles to visit your site.

Also when you hyperlink a keyword in your resource box search engines find it and come to your website as well. You begin to develop keyword relevancy over time by writing and submitting this with the resource box as many times as possible.

4. One great way to create back links is Posting comments in other people's blogs. Every time you post you are able to include your name and your website address in some comments. Try to include your primary keyword in the name if you can.

This is four of the best ways to get back links to your blog. There are countless other ways and you may be comfortable with some of them. Regardless of how you do it the key is to get thousands of back links to your blog creating potential traffic for you and your business.

Joel Nickerson invites you to visit his online home business idea website for you information you can trust. If you are a home business opportunity seeker he can help you. Find ideas and opportunities to make money that really work here now: ===>

Friday, 7 March 2008

Blogging Essential - Three Mistakes That Can Spell the End of Your Blog

Who would have thunk it? Blogging, started out in 1994 as random musings by a handful of internet users who considered them nothing more than online diaries. Not anymore. Blogging is not only commonplace but it can also be a key component in online business success.

Why has it become such a phenomenon? No doubt convenience plays a major role. Blogs are easy to set up and use. Also unlike traditional website building, blogs require no technical expertise which means no fooling around with HTML code and the like.

But more than anything blogging gives people a voice to be heard. You can post some thoughts on any topic you wish and instantly have a worldwide audience to read it. If they agree or disagree they can let you know it by providing comments on your blog. Not only is this more interactive that the traditional website but search engines look at comments on your blog as fresh content.

However like everything else in life, there is a flip side. To make blogging work for you there are some things you need to keep in mind.

1. Respect for Your Audience

You want as many people in your targeted niche (and beyond) to check out your blog so do your best to avoid offending them. For instance you may have a blog about politics. This is a good way to attract an audience and have spirited discussions and debates. The key is to make sure that you don't cross the line. It's easy in a politically charged atmosphere to let your emotions get the better of you. As the person who runs the blog you must keep a check on what's happening. Don't let a first-class debate collapse into name-calling and verbal abuse. By losing control of their emotions and or their comment board, a number of bloggers have wound up losing a potential loyal audience.

2. The Over Design

There are many blog layouts to choose from but do not overdo it. Your priority should always be to provide good unique content to your audience. The blog design should complement your writing not compete with it. Your text should also be clearly readable. Don't put your content on a background that's going to strain the eyes of your blog visitors. If you want to experiment fine but you can never go wrong by starting out with a basic design.

3. Where Have You Been?

Blogging is easy but one thing that separates a good blog from the rest of the pack is how often you post information on your blog. You may have been on a couple of discussion forums and heard people say they do not post to their blog if they have nothing to say. That's all well and good but what predictably happens is the amount of time between having something to say gets longer and longer. They start out with great enthusiasm and post daily, than every few days, followed by once a week which then turns into a couple times a month.

This is not going to work. People want information. You should post at least three times a week. Write the content yourself or borrow it from others (just make sure to give them credit). You can write a short blurb about an article you saw online and then give the link to your readers so they can check it out. The point is to not let your blog sit idle for long periods of time. That's a good way to lose an audience hungry for information. It also doesn't help you with the search engines which love blogs that update frequently. Since the majority of your internet traffic will come from places like the Google, Yahoo and MSN it's best to give them what they want.

Blogging is a phenomenon that will continue to grow. While it's effortless to set up and operate never lose sight of the fact that you must respect your audience first while giving them quality frequently updated content in an easy to read format. Welcome to the world of blogging. Enjoy the ride.

Article written by Daryl Campbell. After your blog is up and running it is time to start making money. Find out how to blog monetize at The Internet Marketing Guide

Friday, 22 February 2008

Exactly Which Is The Best SEO Guide?

SEO is important to every individual who owns a website. However, if you do not fully understand the technical aspects and do not have the funds to ask for professional help, you must find the information elsewhere. One of the best ways of doing this is to source some of the excellent information found in some of the best SEO guides available on the internet.

Even though you can download many SEO guides for free, many of them are misleading and contain out of date information. Therefore purchasing a current guide; and one that gets updated on a regular basis is by far the most sensible thing to do. The best way to find a top-notch SEO guide is either to ask other internet marketers for their choices, to do an online search or pose the question in a relevant forum.

In my opinion, the best SEO guides is the one published by Aaron Wall as it offers all of the professional advice you will need to become proficient in SEO. The ebook can be instantly downloaded and provides easy instructions that anyone can follow to effectively use the latest and most effective SEO techniques. By following his advice by building links and publishing information the right way, you will ensure your website climbs in the search engine rankings in record breaking time.

Ask any internet marketer about this book and he is almost guaranteed to say that it is without doubt one of the best SEO guides, if not the best internet marketing guide ever published. Perhaps the best part of SeoBook is the fact it reveals that money doesn't necessarily need be spent. In other words, it doesn't recommend investing thousands of dollars in optimization companies.

On a side note, when picking the best SEO guide, you must ensure that you get your money's worth. As I've said, a top guide will encourage you to take control of the process yourself. What really matters with the that it should teach you how to achieve good search engine rankings without paying consultants exorbitant amounts of money.

To conclude, if you are not sure how to choose a guide on SEO, you can do several things:

1. Ask respected internet marketers for advice on the best SEO guides.

1. Go onto a SEO forum, and start talking with other marketers. Ask for their opinions.

1. Do an online search for SEO guides then research those guides you're considering purchasing or downloading for free.

Invest the time to find the best SEO guide before you shell out any money. Remember, the time you spend now will help you make money in the future.

Ultimately, it is a much smarter idea to buy a SEO guide than to seek help from a professional because the process is easier, faster, and much cheaper. Such guides will also help you understand SEO, thus allowing you to ensure your Web sites rank higher in the search engines without spending too much money.

Tim Godfrey is the founder of the exclusive internet marketing tips resource,

To learn more ways to quickly achieve top ten Google rankings grab our free 5 day SEO masters course

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Effective Ways to Start Blogging

People have all sorts of different thoughts that they wish to express. For many reasons, most people just keep their thoughts to themselves and never reveal them to others.

Another form of self-expression is the written word. For many people, it is easier for them to express their thoughts or emotions in writing, instead of verbally. It is an especially popular outlet for expression among shy or otherwise highly self-conscious people.

People's thoughts are written down and then published so that others can read and enjoy them. There are many reasons why newspapers and publishers actually publish people's thoughts, but the prime reason is to inform.

With the introduction of newer technologies, new ways now exist to share people's thoughts. Blogs are just one way that high-tech, and faster communications have enabled a way to share ideas more quickly.

Individuals can now let the world know their hopes, dreams and day to day activities via a web log. Tools exist to make starting such a page quite simple. Better than that, many advertiser driven sites allow customers to create their own web log for free!

The word blog comes from a truncation of the words web and log, or web and blog to some. Blogging is the term that is used to identify activities relating to a blog, such as authoring it, updating and maintaining, and adding content. Individuals articles in a blog are known as either entries or posts, and the blogger is the person who puts that content on the blog.

The fastest growing method of communication today is the blog. Blogs can be extremely powerful. They can bring down countries, affect elections and can affect corporate policy. Blogs can change the world by changing the opinions and mentality of large numbers of people around the world.

The following steps outline the suggested way to start up a blog. This is a useful avenue for anyone wanting share their thoughts, ideas or opinions in a fast, efficient way.

Initially, you should look for blog sites. Some make you pay and some do not. Most will come with features but it depends whether they are free of charge or not.

2. Attempt to browse through many blog sites. Learn about the ones which have the features you like.

3. A blog can be private or personal. You should decide on whether the blog you are going to post is to be either of the two. You should decide if you want any internet visitors or users are able to read your blog or if you just want, your friends and family be the one to read it. There are many blog sites that offer the ability to password- protect the published posts so that only those who are approve of can view the blog posted.

4. You can create the look of your blog. Decide on how you want it to appear. You can choose color scheme and layout that will satisfy you. Most sites come with sets of predefined layouts and scheme where you can choose from or you can edit your own.

5. When you are done setting up your blog, test it out by writing a few posts. Adjust the layout or style that you see fit.

There are many sites available with features designed to make your blog look better if you wish to make your blog look more attractive.

7. After creating and making your blog attractive, you can now publish your blog by sending the URL to people whom you want to be able to read your blog. You can also publish the URL on your website. Add the URL to posts you make on the other blogs.

Before posting your blog, spell- checks your writing. Always keep the posts interesting. Try to avoid focusing on things that most readers will not find worthwhile.

If you want people to return on a regular basis on your site to read it, update your blog more frequently. Try to establish a reader base that will motivate you to write more and in return, more people will read your posts.

Do not get discouraged if your site doesn't get a lot of traffic in the first few months. Because we are a diverse society, it may take time for your blog to be noticed in the various different communities.

If you want to reach and retain a wide audience, refrain from using too many abbreviations and jargons as this often insults readers. Instead, utilize words that can be understood by most people.

Writing a blog takes sincerity as well as some dedication. The desire to share one's ideas, opinions, and thoughts should come across in every posting. Every time you post, express your true feelings and have the passion behind your words.

Alex Perez-Prat is the webmaster and owner of Resale Rights Kingdom Dot Com. To find out more e-marketing tips, resources and tools go to Resale Rights Kingdom

Monday, 4 February 2008

Top 10 Reasons Why YOU Should Start a Blog

Blogging is here to stay. One is hard-pressed in this day and age to find anyone under the age of 30 who doesn't know what a blog is. Anyone can maintain a blog. There aren't any rules when it comes to blogging really other than to have the ability to produce original content. It's not necessary to be witty or satirical although it is helpful.

If you have been thinking about starting a blog of your own, or wondering what the blog buzz is all about, then this article is for you. Outlined below are 10 reasons why YOU should start a blog.

1. Blogging is fun.

There a hundreds of sites dedicated to hosting blogs. Most, if not all, have templates and add-ons that allow you to customize your blog. You will have you own personalized corner of the web in no time.

2. Blogging is therapeutic.

...especially if you use your blog for venting your frustrations about anything. After a long, hard day at work or play, a blog is a wonderful place to unwind and regain your focus. Most blogging platforms allow commenting, you can often gain useful insight from commentators offering constructive thoughts. Your blog is an unconditional listener.

3. Blogging is a great way to share your voice.

If you are an individual who is opinionated by nature or passionate about a certain topic, your blog is an open forum waiting for your views. You can share your thoughts with the world no matter what they are. Blogging will offer you the chance to meet like-minded people and host friendly debates with opposing views.

4. Blogging is the easiest and cheapest way to self-publish.

There are a myriad of self-publishers who will charge an arm and a leg to put your name in print. Then you are still left to market your work yourself. If you are going to promote yourself, you might as well do it via blogging and save yourself a small fortune in printing costs. Not to mention there is huge potential to reach a wider audience because you have the Wide World Web at your fingertips.

5. Blogging is an excellent networking resource.

Once you have created your blog and begun to post regularly, it's time to network and reach a larger audience. The internet has dozens of places dedicated solely to bloggers for URL submission, RSS feed distribution, and blogging communities to join. You will never want for new sites and ways to promote your blog.

6. Blogging allows you to focus on a targeted audience.

When you are considering blogging for the first time, you should think about who you want your audience to be. Are you simply writing a running record of your life? Are you trying to make a point? Perhaps you are writing to help and inspire others. It's a good idea to pick a particular niche and stick to it. This will help with networking and also promoting.

7. Blogging provides a platform for self-education.

A blog is a great place to document experience. Whether you are trying out a new kind of skin cream or testing a new affiliate marketing client, blogging gives you the opportunity to learn from you experiences as well as share those experiences with others. Allowing others to gain from your experiences can earn a great reputation in the Blogosphere.

8. Blogging can make you money.

It's not a secret that maintaining a blog can make you money. There are thousands of resources online that will give you the necessary tools you need to start earning from your writing. You can monetize your blog using one or more of several methods such as: pay-per-click advertising, affiliate programs, pay-per-post, paid reviews, etc. It is a lot easier and more possible than it may sound, and anyone can do it.

9. Blogging can used to communicate with friends and family.

If you have a lot friends and family members who all want to know what's going on in your life, there is no better way to reach an audience than by blogging about your days. You can keep family and friends abreast of events, life changes, and anything else worthy of note. It's the absolute perfect way to keep an informed and supportive group close even when miles may separate you.

10. Blogging makes for an entertaining hobby.

Whether you are blogging for your hobby or blogging about a hobby, writing for yourself and others is entertaining. You can be yourself and write about anything you desire. The more your blog fulfills the purpose you have in mind when you start it, the more entertaining it will be for you.

To study any of the above topics in further detail, one need only to conduct a simple Google search. Don't neglect the information available to you all over the web via blogging sites, online forums, and other blogs. Best of luck to you, now get started on that new blog!!!

For more information about getting paid to blog, see:

Friday, 25 January 2008

Unlock The Hidden Secrets To The Usage Of Blogging In Businesses Today

Blogging is one of the most powerful ways that you can use to promote your web site. By definition it is a personal journal that gets updated frequently of your thoughts. If you are running a very big business like an ecommerce store it also allows you to show your personal side and build a human relationship with your customers.

Setting up your blog is really easy. You need to use software like Blogger or Wordpress. I recommend that you register your own domain name and hosting. The main reason for this is that if you use a hosted domain then later on when your web site grows and you need to migrate to your own hosting you will lose all your search engine rankings. Rather do this the right way from day 1. Also ensure that you get a professional design for your blog. If you are not good at this you can hire a professional. This represents your business identity and you need to make sure that it represents a professional identity accurately.

The big advantage of using a personal journal on a site that is a ecommerce store is that you will be able to attract a lot of free search engine listings that you otherwise would not be able to attract without one. The main reason for this is that each entry has a title and consists of unique content. Also the software keeps up to date the publishing of content and the navigation of links so it really becomes very simple to have content that the search engines love.

Some additional tips that will help you even be more successful are the following. Make sure that your blog focuses on a niche market. Submit it to the popular directories and carnivals for additional exposure. You can also add a plug in to submit posts to web 2 sites like Digg. This will allow users to submit your posts directly to these sites increasing your link popularity and search engine rankings.

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Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Tuesday, 22 January 2008

When to Monetize a New Blog

One of the most difficult decisions a new blogger must face is when to start monetizing their blog. Several opinions exist on this topic with all arguments raising valid points. Some abhor the monetization of blogs. At the other end of the spectrum, some start blogs only for the hope of money. So, as a new blogger, what route is best to take? Let's take a look at the pros and cons of a few options so you will be better informed when faced with this decision.

No monetization

The idea of blogs and the evolution (or revolution) of the internet in recent years has led to more free sharing of information. In a way, bloggers have allowed the online community to take back the internet from huge corporations that would prefer to charge for every work or informational bit found in cyberspace. However, as blogs have become increasingly more popular and prevalent, the shift in information sharing has started to move back in the direction of monetization rather than freely sharing without thought of monetary gain. In the purist's eyes, a blog with ads is an abomination.

Early monetization

As stated before, many bloggers have read the stories and promises of wealth and started to blog simply for the money. These blogs are new (less than 3 months old) and already show lots of ads. The problem is that the content suffers or is nonexistent. The ads clutter the page and look unsightly. Most visitors click the back button very quickly on these sites. A problem arises, however, when the content is good but the ads and layout are so poor that visitors again leave quickly.

Early monetization can be added on a small scale without being obtrusive. A single block of text link advertising such as AdSense can be placed above the fold and still be attractive.

Late monetization

This method refers to waiting and allowing a blog to grow before placing ads on the site. Many experts agree that this is the best way to make money from a blog. This category typically includes blogs that are three months or older and have at least 30 posts. A downside to this monetization technique involves your prospective community having become accustomed to an ad free blog. When the ads appear, some regular readers will be upset and leave. Most will understand and all will be well.

Deciding if and when to monetize a blog can seem like a daunting task. It is important to note that a blogger cannot please every visitor every day. However, with a little planning and good ad placement and layout, there is money to be made from blogging especially if you are passionate about your topic - but that's another article altogether.

Thomas Smith is a blogger and the owner of two successful blogs - Online Income Project and Generating Inexpensive Website and Blog Traffic. He lives on a small ranch in Idaho with his family.

Monday, 21 January 2008

Making Money By Blogging With A Long Term Plan

Quite a few people dream of making money by blogging and this goal is not too far-fetched. The important thing is that you need in order to success in this is willingness to work hard and a basic idea of blogging and how it works. However, very few people actually successfully achieve this goal. The most common reason for failing are that they have unrealistic expectations of how much money they will make. When the goal is not met, this often causes them to feel heavily disappointed and they lose the motivation to continue working toward their goal.

To become successful at making money blogging, the main thing that you will need is a surplus of traffic. The higher your traffic is the more advertisers will agree to pay you and the more you are exposed the more people you have. As more and more blogs come about each day, attaining regular visitors isn't easy as it used to be. Nowadays, having a terrific writing style or a new idea is not enough; you also need to market your blog effectively

Too many bloggers spend their time not marketing their blog, but writing content instead. While content is king, you will fail at making money by blogging if you do not market your blog and let others know that you exists. A great way to market your blog is add it to blog search engines. Once your readers know that you have new content to add regularly they will return to your site on a regular basis. However, it doesn't matter how many times you update your blog if no one is reading it, so don't just focus on the content, marketing your blog is also a very crucial step to make money by blogging.

Success is not going to happen overnight, even if you are a marketing genius. Building a readership takes months. Even if you are not making a profit in the beginning you have to stay committed. It is the long term in blogging that will make the wait more than worth it. To stay motivated, you should set goals for how much content you have or how many readers you want to acquire. If you take follow your plan and take affirmative action you will succeed in making money by blogging.

Max Whitson began involved in learning about Internet marketing at the youthful age of 14. Now, Whitson is an internet marketing guru and has lead hundreds of people to success by making money from home.

For more information, visit

Friday, 4 January 2008

How to Make Money Blogging

If you know how to make money blogging, then it is possible to make a living from your blog. There is a lot of money in blogging if you know how to go about it, although not all of them are suited to all people.

To most bloggers, their blog is a means of communication, and something that they love doing just for the fun of blogging. They do not feel the need to money from their blogs, or at least not initially. However, the longer many people are involved in blogging, the more they tend to add monetization to their page. They can do this in a number of ways, although if you are new to blogs, you should probably get your blog known before trying to find ways of making money from your visitors.

Blogging is not so much a skill as an art, and there are many excellent bloggers that wouldn't know where to begin to make money with internet marketing. So, if you are used to making money on your websites, then make sure that you understand how to blog before you try to make money from that as well. The reason for that is that blog readers are not like search engine users. They are not necessarily seeking information or the answer to a problem. They likely want to be entertained, or to find out what their favourite blogger has to say next.

When you are considering how to make money blogging, therefore, you have to consider what type of blog you need in order not to scare away those in it for the fun. Any 'how to' blog would be a good candidate, although it depends on the subject that you offering information on how to do it! 'How to Avoid Spending Money Online' would be a very popular blog, but not conducive to attracting people just dying to open their wallets for you!

'How to Avoid Spending Money Online - only $97 Buy it here'. Ha-Ha! Some chance. So consider the topic of your blog. If you are offering information, for example info on training dogs, then you can add some Adsense blocks o your blog and make some money that way. If your readers want to, they can click on one of the links for more information.

You could also add an affiliate product that is relevant to your topic. Don't overdo it, just add the one and see how it goes. To do this, you have to be able to control your blog content and formatting. To have total control you should run your blog from your own website, rather than from or Download your own blogging software, and Wordpress offer a free download from - that is probably your best bet if you need total control.

There are other ways in which you can use your blog to make money, one of them being to advertise your websites on your sidebar. You can modify your sidebar using html from your Dashboard, though will have to be using the downloaded version. You can also include a good affiliate offer in your sidebar. Any product will do that is related to the topic of your blog. Don't have a blog about carp fishing and offer dog training courses. I know it seems obvious, but you would be surprised!

Another thing you can do to make money indirectly from blogging is to include an opt-in form somewhere on your blog. You could add one to each blog, but the easiest is simply to put it on your sidebar. This works best with a three column blog, but you could add it to the top or bottom of your sidebar for maximum effect.

These are just one or two ways how to make money blogging, and it just takes a bit of imagination for you to think of many more that you can use to make money while enjoying your blogging. People don't mind paying for stuff they want to buy, and those that are not interested don't have to click on your links. Many people make their living from blogs and if you know to do it properly, you can do the same. All it takes is a bit of thought and the knowledge of what can be done and must be done to achieve it.

For more ways in which you can make money blogging, click below where you find a whole number of possibilities for you to use your blog for profit: CLICK HERE: Blog Profits If you want to be a financial success, your blog can help you to achieve your ambitions.