Friday, 25 January 2008

Unlock The Hidden Secrets To The Usage Of Blogging In Businesses Today

Blogging is one of the most powerful ways that you can use to promote your web site. By definition it is a personal journal that gets updated frequently of your thoughts. If you are running a very big business like an ecommerce store it also allows you to show your personal side and build a human relationship with your customers.

Setting up your blog is really easy. You need to use software like Blogger or Wordpress. I recommend that you register your own domain name and hosting. The main reason for this is that if you use a hosted domain then later on when your web site grows and you need to migrate to your own hosting you will lose all your search engine rankings. Rather do this the right way from day 1. Also ensure that you get a professional design for your blog. If you are not good at this you can hire a professional. This represents your business identity and you need to make sure that it represents a professional identity accurately.

The big advantage of using a personal journal on a site that is a ecommerce store is that you will be able to attract a lot of free search engine listings that you otherwise would not be able to attract without one. The main reason for this is that each entry has a title and consists of unique content. Also the software keeps up to date the publishing of content and the navigation of links so it really becomes very simple to have content that the search engines love.

Some additional tips that will help you even be more successful are the following. Make sure that your blog focuses on a niche market. Submit it to the popular directories and carnivals for additional exposure. You can also add a plug in to submit posts to web 2 sites like Digg. This will allow users to submit your posts directly to these sites increasing your link popularity and search engine rankings.

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Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Tuesday, 22 January 2008

When to Monetize a New Blog

One of the most difficult decisions a new blogger must face is when to start monetizing their blog. Several opinions exist on this topic with all arguments raising valid points. Some abhor the monetization of blogs. At the other end of the spectrum, some start blogs only for the hope of money. So, as a new blogger, what route is best to take? Let's take a look at the pros and cons of a few options so you will be better informed when faced with this decision.

No monetization

The idea of blogs and the evolution (or revolution) of the internet in recent years has led to more free sharing of information. In a way, bloggers have allowed the online community to take back the internet from huge corporations that would prefer to charge for every work or informational bit found in cyberspace. However, as blogs have become increasingly more popular and prevalent, the shift in information sharing has started to move back in the direction of monetization rather than freely sharing without thought of monetary gain. In the purist's eyes, a blog with ads is an abomination.

Early monetization

As stated before, many bloggers have read the stories and promises of wealth and started to blog simply for the money. These blogs are new (less than 3 months old) and already show lots of ads. The problem is that the content suffers or is nonexistent. The ads clutter the page and look unsightly. Most visitors click the back button very quickly on these sites. A problem arises, however, when the content is good but the ads and layout are so poor that visitors again leave quickly.

Early monetization can be added on a small scale without being obtrusive. A single block of text link advertising such as AdSense can be placed above the fold and still be attractive.

Late monetization

This method refers to waiting and allowing a blog to grow before placing ads on the site. Many experts agree that this is the best way to make money from a blog. This category typically includes blogs that are three months or older and have at least 30 posts. A downside to this monetization technique involves your prospective community having become accustomed to an ad free blog. When the ads appear, some regular readers will be upset and leave. Most will understand and all will be well.

Deciding if and when to monetize a blog can seem like a daunting task. It is important to note that a blogger cannot please every visitor every day. However, with a little planning and good ad placement and layout, there is money to be made from blogging especially if you are passionate about your topic - but that's another article altogether.

Thomas Smith is a blogger and the owner of two successful blogs - Online Income Project and Generating Inexpensive Website and Blog Traffic. He lives on a small ranch in Idaho with his family.

Monday, 21 January 2008

Making Money By Blogging With A Long Term Plan

Quite a few people dream of making money by blogging and this goal is not too far-fetched. The important thing is that you need in order to success in this is willingness to work hard and a basic idea of blogging and how it works. However, very few people actually successfully achieve this goal. The most common reason for failing are that they have unrealistic expectations of how much money they will make. When the goal is not met, this often causes them to feel heavily disappointed and they lose the motivation to continue working toward their goal.

To become successful at making money blogging, the main thing that you will need is a surplus of traffic. The higher your traffic is the more advertisers will agree to pay you and the more you are exposed the more people you have. As more and more blogs come about each day, attaining regular visitors isn't easy as it used to be. Nowadays, having a terrific writing style or a new idea is not enough; you also need to market your blog effectively

Too many bloggers spend their time not marketing their blog, but writing content instead. While content is king, you will fail at making money by blogging if you do not market your blog and let others know that you exists. A great way to market your blog is add it to blog search engines. Once your readers know that you have new content to add regularly they will return to your site on a regular basis. However, it doesn't matter how many times you update your blog if no one is reading it, so don't just focus on the content, marketing your blog is also a very crucial step to make money by blogging.

Success is not going to happen overnight, even if you are a marketing genius. Building a readership takes months. Even if you are not making a profit in the beginning you have to stay committed. It is the long term in blogging that will make the wait more than worth it. To stay motivated, you should set goals for how much content you have or how many readers you want to acquire. If you take follow your plan and take affirmative action you will succeed in making money by blogging.

Max Whitson began involved in learning about Internet marketing at the youthful age of 14. Now, Whitson is an internet marketing guru and has lead hundreds of people to success by making money from home.

For more information, visit

Friday, 4 January 2008

How to Make Money Blogging

If you know how to make money blogging, then it is possible to make a living from your blog. There is a lot of money in blogging if you know how to go about it, although not all of them are suited to all people.

To most bloggers, their blog is a means of communication, and something that they love doing just for the fun of blogging. They do not feel the need to money from their blogs, or at least not initially. However, the longer many people are involved in blogging, the more they tend to add monetization to their page. They can do this in a number of ways, although if you are new to blogs, you should probably get your blog known before trying to find ways of making money from your visitors.

Blogging is not so much a skill as an art, and there are many excellent bloggers that wouldn't know where to begin to make money with internet marketing. So, if you are used to making money on your websites, then make sure that you understand how to blog before you try to make money from that as well. The reason for that is that blog readers are not like search engine users. They are not necessarily seeking information or the answer to a problem. They likely want to be entertained, or to find out what their favourite blogger has to say next.

When you are considering how to make money blogging, therefore, you have to consider what type of blog you need in order not to scare away those in it for the fun. Any 'how to' blog would be a good candidate, although it depends on the subject that you offering information on how to do it! 'How to Avoid Spending Money Online' would be a very popular blog, but not conducive to attracting people just dying to open their wallets for you!

'How to Avoid Spending Money Online - only $97 Buy it here'. Ha-Ha! Some chance. So consider the topic of your blog. If you are offering information, for example info on training dogs, then you can add some Adsense blocks o your blog and make some money that way. If your readers want to, they can click on one of the links for more information.

You could also add an affiliate product that is relevant to your topic. Don't overdo it, just add the one and see how it goes. To do this, you have to be able to control your blog content and formatting. To have total control you should run your blog from your own website, rather than from or Download your own blogging software, and Wordpress offer a free download from - that is probably your best bet if you need total control.

There are other ways in which you can use your blog to make money, one of them being to advertise your websites on your sidebar. You can modify your sidebar using html from your Dashboard, though will have to be using the downloaded version. You can also include a good affiliate offer in your sidebar. Any product will do that is related to the topic of your blog. Don't have a blog about carp fishing and offer dog training courses. I know it seems obvious, but you would be surprised!

Another thing you can do to make money indirectly from blogging is to include an opt-in form somewhere on your blog. You could add one to each blog, but the easiest is simply to put it on your sidebar. This works best with a three column blog, but you could add it to the top or bottom of your sidebar for maximum effect.

These are just one or two ways how to make money blogging, and it just takes a bit of imagination for you to think of many more that you can use to make money while enjoying your blogging. People don't mind paying for stuff they want to buy, and those that are not interested don't have to click on your links. Many people make their living from blogs and if you know to do it properly, you can do the same. All it takes is a bit of thought and the knowledge of what can be done and must be done to achieve it.

For more ways in which you can make money blogging, click below where you find a whole number of possibilities for you to use your blog for profit: CLICK HERE: Blog Profits If you want to be a financial success, your blog can help you to achieve your ambitions.