Tuesday, 6 September 2011

TechCrunch's End: See How angry Could Bloggers Go!

TECHcrunch teamI just arrived home from my hectic university and was shocked to read the biggest blogosphere news ever popping in my Alexa toolbar. It said "TechCrunch as we know may be over" It is the last post published at TechCrunch just 4 hours ago. TechCrunch as we all know  is a network of technology based blogs and other web properties. It was founded in the year 2005 by Michael Arrington and now has around million readers with 15-20 posts published each day by well established bloggers and journalists from across the globe. Its shared news often become Magazine Headlines and we can share a lot more about this blogging giant which is ranked second in Technorati's list of world Top100 blogs


What is so strange about this post?

On the blog a writer named MG SIEGLER published a post where he is appearing so angry at AOL decision's of changing the Editor-in-Chief of TECHCrunch i.e Michael Arrington, that he according to me forgot he was a BLOGGER and didn't keep in mind that he was talking to an audience of respectable readers from different corners of the world. As a blogger myself I guess no matter how hot things may turn out, one should recall that he belongs to a responsible profession on this online virtual world and he should be professional and modest in his authorship no matter what. Please read his complete post and come back to contradict or accept whatever I said in hidden phrases above.

Here is some info about the author MG SIEGLER:

MG Siegler has been writing for TechCrunch since 2009. He covers the web, mobile, social, big companies, small companies, essentially everything. And Apple. A lot.

Prior to TechCrunch, he covered various technology beats for VentureBeat.

Originally from Ohio, MG attended the University of Michigan. He�s previously lived in Los Angeles where he worked in Hollywood and in San Diego where he worked in web development. He also writes at his own blog, ParisLemon. He now lives in San Francisco.

Read one of Social Media's shocking post by clicking the link below,

TechCrunch as we know may be over

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