Saturday, 22 September 2012

Top 6 Most Popular Search Engines To Submit Your Site

This is a guest post written by a Guest author of Also See How To Become a guest author on BlogTipsNTricks.

most popular search engines
There are so many search engines available to Internet users these days, making it hard to know which ones are best and which ones you should focus on for traffic generation. Each search engine has its own set of rules that you need to follow if you want to get listed, however the best rule of thumb is to just build honest, straight-forward websites that are filled with original, relevant content. Any tricks will just get you penalized or blacklisted in the end. Below is a list of the top search engines that you should submit your website to based upon user-popularity and real traffic results:
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Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Essential Things You Should Know about Google Panda and Penguin

This is a guest post written by Teyona Dame. Here he explains about Google panda and penguin. Also See How To Become a guest author on BlogTipsNTricks.

google panda and penguin
Online marketing has seen some drastic changes in the past few months, thanks to Google�s Panda and Penguin. Panda and Penguin are algorithms used by Google to calculate and rate websites according to their page rank. These algorithms are designed to stop spam and give websites the best search results in Google search. Major SEO firms and other businesses have had a major impact since the introduction of these algorithms; most websites on the internet had to go undergo a major makeover or has been completely redesigned to suit these algorithms.

It is no longer necessary to fill your content with related keywords to generate traffic to your website, in order to get a good page rank, implementing varied keywords is the way to go. With Penguin and Panda active Google targets quality websites with great content that are presented well, so it is important that websites has to match Penguin and Panda�s basic criteria in order to get a decent page rank in search engines. With Penguin and Panda in place article spinning is not effective as it used to be, so in order to gain natural links unique content for articles has to be written.
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Tuesday, 11 September 2012

How To Add Multiple Author Bio Widget For Blogger Blog

How To Add Multiple Author Bio Widget For Blogger blog
Many readers asked me "How to add Author box for multiple author blogger blog" So I designed this widget. This widget is for Blogger users only as WordPress has various plugins to deal with author boxes. If you own a multi author blog, then you might be wondering a possible way to add author boxes for each of those contributes. There a few old ways that to add author box. One is a manual way to add author box HTML code in Blogger post editor each time that we write a post. That can be irritating for the author and we have an another way that I previously published in this blog to Add author information box below post to Blogger blog But this old version can be done only for single author blog.
So today, we'll see how to add multiple author boxes only once, and each time a particular author writes a post, his author bio would be shown up automatically below their post. This Sounds better Right!
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Saturday, 8 September 2012

Top 15 Tips For Gaining Real Pinterest Followers

This is a guest post written by Charles. Also See How To Become a guest author on BlogTipsNTricks.

Pinterest has overtaken a lot many established social networks to become the darling of the internet user community. The success of Pinterest can be widely related to the simple ideology of why we love images rather than reading through a chunk of text. With the huge success of the site, most of the internet marketers have been trying to create a fan base of followers. If you are one of them trying to get more Pinterest followers, then here we have a list of top 15 tips for gaining real Pinterest followers.
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