Monday, 14 July 2014

FormGet Review - An Ultimate Solution for Contact Forms

Are you a blogger?

Wherever you blog at, blogger or WordPress. you need a contact form to connect with your readers.

After all blogging is all about sharing our knowledge and connecting with new people in the form of reader, friends or clients. ;)

So, Basically We all need contact forms. To be more precise Contact form/page is a must for a blog.

When It comes to WordPress there are many options available but mostly its not that convenient or easy to use when compared to FormGet

For Blogger Platform, There is no reason to ask. Only the default blogger contact form and some other free services are the option. (Which doesn't have many features or fulfill our needs) Also Now-a-days I frequently receive at-least one or two mails/month regarding contact form suggestion for blogger.

Okay, Let's come to the point Recently I found an online form builder (Which I'm Currently Using on BTNT Contact Page.) -

I found it awesome, As an ultimate solution for contact forms.
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Saturday, 12 July 2014

How to Protect Your Blog from Being Copied

How to Protect Your Blog from Being Copied

This is a Guest Article Written by Joe Pawlikowski, Who writes and edits for several blogs, earning his living through blogging and consulting.

You wouldn't walk into a book store and steal a novel off the shelf, would you? What about a magazine off the rack?

For most of us, physical theft is unthinkable. We wouldn't shoplift as much as a candy bar, never mind a book or magazine. They don't belong to us. If we want them, we have to pay. Just like everyone else.

So why is it that people feel free to steal content on the internet? How is stealing a blog post different than stealing a magazine? In both cases you're taking something that someone else created. Yet people steal on the internet without a second thought.

People steal on the internet for two primary reasons. Kevin Kelly describes the first.

"The Internet is the world's largest copy machine. What the Net does is it copies things."

Copying is part of the Internet's DNA. Your site copies itself many times, on archive pages. As you can imagine, creating a tool to copy the internet isn't difficult.

The second reason: you can access internet content from anywhere for free. Yes, you can access book and magazines for free inside a store. We've all seen people sitting down in a book store aisle reading a book. But you can't take the book from the store without paying. With a blog, you can read it anywhere. Hence, people are more apt to think that because it is free, it is also free to take.

Let us be clear: it is not OK, in any way, to take someone else's content. It belongs to them, just as a book belongs to the store. (And the content belongs to the author or publisher.)

Let us be clear on another point: it is the owner's job to police theft. Book stores have security measures that detect theft. Publishers seek out people reproducing content without permission. Though they don't have the same resources available, bloggers are responsible in the same way. If you want to prevent people from stealing your content, you have to protect it.

Bloggers, Who are serious about ownership of their content will heed the following tips.
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Sunday, 15 June 2014

Camly - A Responsive Blogger Template

This Article is a Part of BTNT Weekly Special!!!
(Check out the series page to see other Awesome Templates on BTNT Weekly Special!!!)
Camly a Responsive Blogger Theme
This is the Ninth Week of BTNT Weekly Special!!!, Last Week I Published the BTNT Theme Which I used previously on blogtipsntricks.

The Theme I'm going to publish today is Camly - A Responsive Blogger Template, Camly is a 2 column blogger template with Awesome features like Custom opt-in forms (Sidebar, Below Header inside Accordion), Social Sharing buttons and much more.

In this theme, I've added an custom Opt-In Accordion Widget under the header (Just click the plus button under the header to see it in Action). Like other accordion widgets it won't affect the loading time, not even a bit.

Because the script for this accordion widget is just one line (It doesn't need jQuery). ;)

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Sunday, 8 June 2014

BTNT Theme - A Responsive Blogger Template

This Article is a Part of BTNT Weekly Special!!!
(Check out the series page to see other Awesome Templates on BTNT Weekly Special!!!)
BTNT a Responsive Blogger Theme
I Think just by looking at the title you got what I'm going to publish Today, If you're a regular reader of BTNT then I'm sure you've got what I'm Talking about. :)

Yes, You're right the theme I'm Going to publish today is the same theme which I previously used on (BTNT) but it's more advanced than before.

After changing to the new theme many bloggers/readers contacted me by asking about my previous design used on BTNT (Some even offered to pay for the previous theme). I haven't even Imagined this many people like the previous design of blogtipsntricks. Thank you so Much.

So, Today as the 8 theme of BTNT Weekly Special, I'm Glad to share the previous version of BTNT.

For those who don't know about the Previous BTNT Theme, Its a two column blogger template with Awesome features like Custom opt-in forms (Sidebar, After posts, Above the footer), Ad placement, Social Sharing buttons and much more.

To make it short this theme is an all rounder. It has many custom features, SEO Optimized and also loads fast with cool features. I specially designed each and every part of the theme. Hope you also love it. :D

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Sunday, 1 June 2014

Hola - A Responsive Niche Blog Theme for Blogger

This Article is a Part of BTNT Weekly Special!!!
(Check out the series page to see other Awesome Templates on BTNT Weekly Special!!!)
Hola a Responsive Blogger Theme
This week I've come up with a theme which will Rock on Niche blogs. Just like Linzo this theme is also designed upon a friend's request. After sharing linzo on Facebook one of my friend Aqid Shahzad commented like this...

"Chan Deep waiting for your next blogger template that will be best for niche blogs I mean adsense optimized, responsive and search engine friendly template"

Below is the Screen Shot of Conversation.

Conversation about Niche Blog Theme

According to his Wish, Today I'm Publishing Hola - A Responsive Niche Blog Theme as the 7th theme of this Series, BTNT Weekly Special!!!

Okay, Let me tell you few words about this theme...

Hola is a Theme specially designed for Niche Blogs. So, In this theme I haven't focused on design (As Niche Blogs usually uses simple design.) Instead I focused on Ad placement, Site Loading, SEO and Responsiveness.

Three main Factors about Hola Blogger theme:
  1. It has a three column layout with simple design, So It'll easily blend with ads (Helps to Increase CTR). See the live demo for better understanding.
  2. It's optimized for Structured Data (Google Rich Snippet), Which plays a major role on SERP Appearance and Ranking. Now search engine can understand your site much better. you can check Google Rich Snippet Data Testing Tool to verify ;)
  3. Even After Placing Ads, It still Rocks on page speed(87/100).
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Sunday, 25 May 2014

Linzo - A Responsive Blogger Template

This Article is a Part of BTNT Weekly Special!!!
(Check out the series page to see other Awesome Templates on BTNT Weekly Special!!!)
Linzo a Responsive Blogger Theme
Last week I published Ozura - A Responsive blogger theme. After Publishing Ozura, I got Nice response through mail from few readers about the post format(Thanks Guys) Among them one asked, "It'd be Awesome if we've a theme with similar post format with light color". So, The Theme I'm going to publish Today, On The sixth week of the BTNT Weekly Special!!! is Linzo - A Responsive blogger Template. According to his wish Linzo has similar post format like Ozura.

Linzo is a 2 Column Box styled Minimal Theme with cool widgets like Custom Opt-In Subscribe Form, Custom Popular Post widget and Share Buttons on post pages, etc. Read more �

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Ozura - A Responsive Blogger Template

This Article is a Part of BTNT Weekly Special!!!
(Check out the series page to see other Awesome Templates on BTNT Weekly Special!!!)
Ozura a Responsive Blogger Theme
After Publishing Siril blogger theme, Today I've come up with another Cool Minimal style Theme. The Blogger Theme I'm going to publish on this fifth week of the BTNT Weekly Special!!! is Ozura - A Responsive blogger Template.

Ozura is a 2 Column Flat style Minimal Theme with cool widgets like Custom Opt-In Subscribe Form, Custom Popular Post widget and Share Buttons on post pages, etc. Read more �

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Wizz - A Responsive Blogger Template

This Article is a Part of BTNT Weekly Special!!!
(Check out the series page to see other Awesome Templates on BTNT Weekly Special!!!)
Wizz a Responsive Blogger Theme
We're successfully entering Fourth week of the BTNT Weekly Special!!! Series. This Time I'm Going to Publish Wizz - A Responsive blogger Template.

Wizz is a 3 Column Elegant looking Theme with a Custom Opt-In Form on the top right side of the sidebar. It has custom features like Two Responsive Navigation Menus, Custom Profile Icon Widget, Etc. Read more �

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Zett - A Responsive Blogger Template

This Article is a Part of BTNT Weekly Special!!!
(Check out the series page to see other Awesome Templates on BTNT Weekly Special!!!)
Zett a Responsive Blogger Theme
This is the Third Week of BTNT Weekly Special!!!, Last Week I Published Ravia - a Responsive blogger Theme.

Today, I'm going to Publish a Flat Style Theme, Zett - A Responsive Blogger Template. Zett is a Elegant looking Theme with a Custom Opt-In Form on the top of the homepage and sidebar in post page, Fast loading, SEO Optimized, Etc. Read more �

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Ravia - A Responsive Blogger Template

This Article is a Part of BTNT Weekly Special!!!
(Check out the series page to see other Awesome Templates on BTNT Weekly Special!!!)
Ravia a Responsive Blogger Theme
Hi Guys, After publishing the Siril blogger theme, Now we are successfully entering the second week of the BTNT Weekly Special!!!

Today, I'm Happy to Introduce a brand new gallery theme, Ravia - A Responsive Blogger Template. Ravia is an Elegant Gallery style blogger template with Custom features like Automatic Feature Post Widget, Cool Popular Post Widget and Inbuilt Social Share buttons, etc.
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Sunday, 20 April 2014

Siril - A Responsive Blogger Template

This Article is a Part of BTNT Weekly Special!!!
(Check out the series page to see other Awesome Templates on BTNT Weekly Special!!!)
Siril a Responsive Blogger Theme
Hello Guys, As I Announced, From Today onwards I'm Starting this template series. The first template of the BTNT Weekly Special is Siril a responsive blogger template. Siril is a minimal theme with a clean design. Then main advantage of this theme is page speed, It got 90/100 in Google PageSpeed Insights. It has a custom author widget below the main menu which only shows on index pages.
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Saturday, 19 April 2014

Announcement: Introducing New Post Series - BTNT Weekly Special!!!

Introducing New Post Series - BTNT Weekly Special!!!

Hello Guys, Now-a-day Many of you may wondering Why there isn't any new article on BTNT. Even Through I said "I'll publish regularly" in my previous article I can't keep posting. So, To solve that problem and keep posting quality articles regularly Today I'm introducing a new post series section named BTNT Weekly special!!!
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Friday, 28 February 2014

SEO Test: Do Your Blog Comply With Google Webmaster Guidelines?

SEO Test: Do Your Blog Comply With Google Webmaster Guidelines?

This is a Guest Article Written by Abrar Mohi Shafee � A passionate blogger who loves to do blogging, Especially for the beginners.

Now-a-days, blogging and SEO are totally relying on each others. We do blogging and consider SEO processes to make the efforts successful. One simple question to you, what did you operate at first on your blog�s SEO campaign? Probably a good amount of people will answer, �Yeah, I submitted my blog to the search engines and the webmaster tools�.

For sure, you went to Google before all. Just like me, you would have submitted your blog to Google Webmaster Tools. But did you ever check what they were expecting from your blog? You might not. Many times we experience problems from the webmaster tools. Even how good is your strategy, generally we see no effective result from them. Do you know why? It�s because Google couldn�t get expected stuffs from your blog.

Do you know you will get higher priority from Google complying their own guidelines? It�s because Google loves to see blogs as per their recommendation. So I think following their guidelines would be the plus points to beat your search competitors. It is sure that all of your competitors won�t be friendly with the guidelines. That�s why it would be easy to simply outrank the competitors with some actionable guidelines. Let�s see how to make it happen.
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Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Do You Know These Little Known Benefits Of Creating Longer Posts?

Benefits Of Creating Longer Posts
This is a Guest Article Written by Ammar � A young blogger who blogs on All Blogging Tips and likes to help small bloggers in building a profitable blog.

After deeply analyzing the benefits and harms of longer blog posts, I think its time for me to let the world know about it too.

In simple words, don't just always trust and follow what someone else, me or your friends say and instead try and experiment it yourself.

If you believe that something can work better if you add some points from your side, you probably should. With that being said, let me take you to the list.
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