Monday, 31 October 2011

Facebook 'Trusted Friends' And 'App Passwords' Features

Facebook security issues

Over 600,000 Facebook accounts are compromised each day in result of hacking/forgetting passwords. Facebook security has been an issue from quite a while now, with increasing concerns over the privacy issues. Recently Facebook launched these 2 new features (options) as a part of their fight against account hijacking.

As per Facebook, their workers/engineers are working pretty hard to solve the issues and to provide a smoother site experience:

Security and safety are at the core of Facebook. We have entire
teams dedicated to building tools that give people even more control
over their account and specifically the way they access their
information. In fact, many of our most talented engineers are working
exclusively on creating a secure environment on Facebook.

Lets see what the two new features are about.

Trusted Friends

Say, you forgot your Facebook account password. What you do next? Go out for 'forgot your password' option, right? What if you forgot the password of  the email that you have provided for the back door access too.

Now this is where Trusted Friends play their part. I believe this is a great improvement in the back door solutions from Facebook. You simply have to select a couple of your close friends, say 3-4, in Trusted friends option.

facebook security codes

Now when ever you have to access your account in hard times, simply ask the password and other details that Facebook has emailed to your close friends. Thats pretty much it.

Facebook says:

If you forgot your password and need to login but can't access your
email account, you can rely on your friends to help you get back in.  We
will send codes to the friends you have selected and they can pass
along that information to you.

To select your 'Trusted Friends', go to your Security Settings. (Account > Account Settings > Security).

App Passwords

The second feature is being the 'App passwords'. We all use a bunch of applications on Facebook. Many of them ask to login with Facebook credentials. So, this new features allow us to generate random passwords, for the apps we select. That would keep our original logins safe from the third parties.

facebook app password

From Facebook blog:

Simply go to your Account Settings, then the Security tab, and finally to the App Passwords section. You can generate a password that you won�t need to remember, just enter it along with your email when logging into an application.

I hope these features would help to improve account mishaps in future.

Guest Post by Hassam Ahmad Awan. MBT's Gold Star Guest Author.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

6 Steps To Make A Killer Portfolio For Freelancing

portfolioYesterday i posted 5 Tips To Win A Job As Freelancer For Beginners. And the most important point that i left for today to be discussed was, a killer portfolio that we all need to penetrate into freelancing world. A portfolio is basically your identity and reflects your potential.

So lets sum up, the true killer portfolio specs that we should adhere to our selves too. I would give examples of Elance. Same applies to most of the popular freelancing websites.

#1- How Would You Sell Your Self In 2 Lines?

This is one of the most important part. When ever you throw out a proposal on Elance, your proposal block only contains first 2 lines from your entire portfolio. So thats where you got to make the actual impact. So think deeply what you do and how would you sum it up in those precious 2 lines.

portfolio description

#2- Your Photo Describes Your Portfolio

Using your photo for your profile is extremely important. Just take Elance and all these jobs as your real life career where you would build relationships. Would you play fake in your real life job too? A picture answers thousands of questions, right?

Also when ever a hirer looks at the picture, it gives a more personal touch where he/she feels like hiring you. Its just natural. How would somebody be interested by seeing a logo or any other random pic on your portfolio page.

That just doesn't work. But yes, you could use a logo if the portfolio portrays a professional Company. And obviously professionals wont be reading this out.. :P

Same Goes with the name. Always mention your name unless its a company (as i mentioned before).

#3- Wise Paragraphing

Same is the case with freelancing. Remember how many times we pointed out in the past, the importance of writing posts in 3-4 lines. Those days are over where our teachers taught us about those 3 long paragraphs which our 300 words story contained? That had no point at all..

Notice the paragraphing of this article. It helps the eyes to sail over the content that is wisely paragraphed. So make your description (in fact every thing on your portfolio page) distributed into paragraphed as mentioned.

#4- DO Take The Relevant Skill Tests!

This is again extremely important. The skill test bar sums up your real skill level. The higher your scores are at the skill tests, the stronger your portfolio is. It just shows how expert you are in your said field. There are various skill tests, for various categories.

skill test

#5- Always Add Some Media To Your Portfolio.

Media adds a true flavor and final touches to the a great portfolio. Though it shows your work further, it also helps to make the profile lively.

#6 Creative Tag line!

What do you think on this one? Tag lines are always catchy. Whether it be a commercial or a freelancing portfolio. Again it sums up your entire work experience. Like i write technology articles, right? So i use the following tag line. Simple and smooth.

(Writes Technology/Social Media Articles..) Its not the ultimate tag line example, but you got my point. Simply wrap up what you do.

Those are the most important points that i believe a killer Portfolio should contain. Though there are so many points that we should take care of, but these are the pretty major ones. If you start freelancing in future..just in case, what will your tag line be..? Be creative and share your thoughts :)..

Lets see what you got there. Sum it up in 1 line.

Saturday, 29 October 2011

5 Tips To Win A Job As Freelancer For Beginners

freelancer jobsHi guys. A couple of days back, i wrote a post Blogger Or A FreeLancer? Time To Choose. It was one of my favorite post all time, as i love to compare things. So for today, i thought why not to get into the freelancing world.

Free lancing can be a true heaven, if you start getting jobs. At the end of the day, that's all what matters, right? So i got couple of points which would definitely help you earn jobs on any free lancing website, whether it be eLance, Freelancer etc. These points are basically natural facts that we need to take care of, while we bid for any job.

First simply think, that what if you need to hire somebody. What qualities would you like to be displayed in the  proposal. For me, these are the most important things that i would be impressed to see in a job application, that i get.

#1 Be Natural

See to me, a person that would work for me should be honest and should not make out something hes not. So, i would recommend to write the bid proposal in first person. Like (I would love to work for you...etc). This gives out a positive impression and seems like as if the person is in fact interacting with me, live.

Be polite, and simply mention what you are.

#2 Point Out Your Time Management Qualities

You need to make out this part, if its not build in your personality. Just mention it. You see, many job authors likes that confirmation, that they would get the job done in the said time. That just helps to gain some extra believe.

Tell the person that you would be there for him and could be flexible to the job posting timing. Make him feel comfortable to provide you the job.

#3 Bid Low, But Not That Low!

What many beginners do is that they often bid pretty low for the jobs. Though this seems positive to gain a job, but in real world that can put a negative impression too. See, we are dealing with real people and not robots. So by biding too low, the job poster would loose trust in you as he may feel that you are incompetent and are begging for the job.

So bid a little lower than the average bids around. Bidding in fact varies from job to job. Though this wont apply all the time. The real mirror of you skill would be your strong portfolio. So keep it up.

win job at elance

#4 Make Your Email Subject Spicy

This applies to every email we send. People often get so many emails each day. So its the subject, that sells out. Otherwise, your email would get under all those thousands of emails, that the person gets each day.

Let the subject be like:

You Wont Find a Better Technology writer than me- 100% Guaranteed

Got the idea? Just make them chilly so that the person is compelled to click it. Like most of those pop up ads.(They are crazy..hate 'em)

#5 Single Look Killer Portfolio

Though i plan to cover the portfolio part in my coming post, but its important to mention it as its the vital part of getting the job on free lancing sites. Its basically who you are. Don't hesitate to mention where you have worked before. Mention all those blogs where you appeared as a guest author. Thats your plus!

Mention your writing experience numerically. That gives a positive impression.( but only if it is worth mentioning time span :)

Do add pictures/videos to further strengthen your portfolio. Attach a sample article picture with you proposal. Media always creates bridge between the two parties. Its always a good move to portray your self online.

So generally, free lancer success is wrapped up in how he deals with the Job author. Its a one on one relationship. Hope it helped to get some idea. Do share your experience and knowledge over gaining more jobs as a freelancer.


Guest Post by Hassam Ahmad Awan. MBT's Gold Star Guest Author.

Friday, 28 October 2011

Top 10 Earning 'Websites' Of 2011

I recently posted the list of Top 10 Earning Blogs of 2011, and today we are here with another exciting lists that would also motivate us. Get ready to get shivered, by the way. These top websites are well know to us and would further impress us when we examine that per second income model.

You might be wondering, Google to top the list. It was the case 3-4 years back, but as per latest stats, Amazon tops the list. Dam that was a spoiler.

As before, the list would be in ascending order of per second income.

10. iTunes

Yes, iTunes. iTunes is over headed by Apples vice president, Jeff Robbin. Steve jobs knew the impact that the great man could make to the Apple products. Jeff had a great role in introducing iPods too.

As a result, iTunes earns 60.21$ per second with $1,900,000,000 annual revenue.


9. Paypal

How would the world be without PayPal? PayPal is the most popular online money transfer company which is used by a huge number of people around the world. The giant site was made by Max Levchin, Peter Thiel, and Luke Nosek, who brought it to a stage where the mammoth earns $91.90 a second and $2,900,000,000 a year.

That is huge!. It takes almost an year for many people to get their first 100$ Adsense cheque. Just sayin.

8. Expedia

Expedia deals with the travel side of the world. People can buy tickets, get to know flights fares etc. The website is owned by Mark Schroeder which makes $2,937,010,000 annually with per second rate of $93.07.


7. AOL

News, Sports, Entertainment, Weather etc is what the site features. The website has an Alexa rank of 59. AOL was made by Erik Prince which earns $3,137,100,000 annually with a per second rate of $99.41.



6. Reuters

Reuters is mostly a news website, as the name suggests which was started by Marshal Wace . The website earned an Alexa rank of 180 and thus a huge traffic provides an annual revenue of $3,400,000,000 with an per second rate of $107.74.


5. Yahoo

Yahoo is one of the most poplar websites on the internet cloud. Yahoo is 4 on Alexa ranking. The website generates the revenue of $6,460,000,000 with a per second rate of $204.71. Jerry Yang and David Filo are the lucky owners.


4. ebay

eBay is an online business store just like Amazon. Its among the worlds top 21 websites that make a huge deal of money. Pierre Omidyar started the site and now earns $276.56 every second and $8,727,360,000 annually.


3. Comcast

Comcast is also an 'all n one' website that is among the worlds top 198 websites. The website earns $276.56 every second and collects $8,727,360,000 a year. W0ot!


2. Google

Google! Ever heard of it? The website needs no explanation. Google was started by Larry Page and Sergey Brin. The search engine is thought to be the leading website in the world with a massive domination on the virtual internet world. 

Google earns  $23,650,560,000 an year and $749.46 a second!!

1. Amazon

Finally we have here Amazon, that is the leading online market which is huge! There are deals of $776.66 per second summing up to $24,509,000,000 annually.

Liked the list? Got inspired? Start building up your own brand today.

Guest Post by Hassam Ahmad Awan. MBT's Gold Star Guest Author.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Blogger Dynamic Templates Now Customizable

blogger dynamic template

Previously you guys read, "Should you enable Blogger Dynamic Views" here at MBT. The Dynamic templates are new templates designs, that were made available to apply to Blogger blogs, recently. As oppose to normal templates (the default ones), these dynamic templates are quite advance aesthetically, but lacked quite a few features, that we are used to.

Many users felt that the templates were not customizable at all. As the new dynamic templates were a new feature that was introduced, it had a long way to go to meet user expectations. Blogger blogs are quite famous for their ability to be customized, by the feature, Edit HTML.

blogger dynamic template

Many people believed that the new dynamic templates lacked that too. So recently, Blogger announced a couple of good news for Blogger fans. Though we still don't have the Edit HTML option available with us, for the Dynamic templates but still, we can at least say they are customizable to some extent, after the addition of few more fruits from Developers at Blogger.

Now you can change the colors and stuff for the templates. The background image can also be replaced. Blogger dev team says that they would soon introduce the widgets part to the dynamic templates, that we presently miss a lot. Also by navigating to the Template section (from Blogger in draft version), we get to see an disabled 'Edit HTML' option. We hope that gets live soon too.

Blogger team says :

Using the Template Designer, you can now modify your background, fonts, or colors, and add a custom header image like we did on Blogger Buzz
(just make sure it�s 65 pixels high). If you don�t fancy yourself a web
designer, simply choose from one of the �suggested themes� that we

blogger dynamic template customization

So in an all, folks at Blogger are working hard to provide all those benefits, that we enjoy with custom templates for Blogger.

Will you switch to the Dynamic suites if Blogger introduces Widgets and Edit HTML feature? Lets us know through the comment section below.

Guest Post by Hassam Ahmad Awan. MBT's Gold Star Guest Author.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

6 Qualities Of a Professional Blogger

topicHope you all are doing well and ready to check our new post. I have talked about the success secrets of Steve Jobs and social networking websites but nothing particular for our respected readers. So, I have decided to sort out some points which can be applicable to any quality maintained blog. Applying these few quality elements to your habits will surely let you stand out as an author and then blogger. We will start with simple points and then will move on to comparatively challenging tricks.


1. No duplication of content:

content originalityThe very first and the basic point to remember is originality of the content. Here, I would like to share my experience about my recent post. When I mailed it to Mohammad, he simply asked to rewrite my first paragraph. I was surprised because it was a definition and I thought that we can take definitions from any other blog or website. But, he explained me that this harms the blog and is not allowed. So, you see� how careful you need to be for your content.

2. No for granted terms:

Do not take any of the terms for granted, especially those appearing in your topic. If I am a layman, and I have accidentally come across your blog, don�t let me feel that your blog is not for me. No one likes to feel himself/herself as ignorant. For example, if you are writing a post about �Android Applications�, explain �what is android� first, and then continue with your idea. It is a good practice to explain clearly, what you are going to talk about.

3. Lighten the stress:

no-stressTry making your readers feel as comfortable as possible. This point is especially for techies. If you are publishing any of your new code or tip etc, try to present it as if it�s nothing difficult. Use simple and plain language for its description, so the reader does not feel exhausted and do not lose the interest.
Secondly, use images that go with your color scheme and can give a lightening effect to your post. I like the image selection of MBT very much. The images are always light colored with most of the time white background.


4. Intelligent use of shapes and colors:

colors etcLook around yourself; you will see colors and shapes everywhere. Either, directly or indirectly, they convey us some messages and amazingly, we understand them. Or our subconscious have associated some meanings with them. This is the reason why favorite colors are asked in personality tests.
For example, think of green...What it brings into your mind??? Nature� trees...grass? A refreshing effect? Okay...Now think of blue� what comes into your mind? It will definitely be water, sea or sky. A serene effect indeed. A concept of vastness�beyond any limitation? And you can do the same with other colors� red, yellow, white etc, to feel their effects.
So hopefully, you are getting my point that you can use colors to reinforce your blog theme. Same is the case with shapes and symbols. Geometric shapes like circle, square, triangle represents organization, structure and of course they make one feel formal. Other shapes which are natural, with more curves and are uneven. They give some pleasant effect and add interest.

5. Embed Entertainment:

How would you feel if you enter a website and it asks you to set background music of your choice? When you read some posts there and it offers you to download some free wallpapers, widgets, plug-ins or even templates? Or it gives you a bonus trick /tip because you have earned some points? Won�t you find it different from the one that just publish posts? Of course, you will .So, be honest � do you really think that this blog can�t be yours?

6. Spread your word:

Spread-the-wordDon�t restrict yourself to your own website only. Join social networking websites for promotion of your blog. Also, practice guest posting on other websites. So, if anyone likes your posts he/she could follow you on your blog.

Guest post by Aiman Khan. MBT"s regular contributor

How To Revert Back To Old Blogger Profile From Google+ Profile?

blogger profile to google+ profile

Yesterday, at MBT you guys learned how to switch your blogger profile to Google+ profile, overwriting your present Blogger profiles. Google is interlinking all its services in a unique manner. Previously Blogger profile was a totally different thing from your Google profile.

Now that you have your Google+ profile, it would be easier to manage things around. The profile would act as one single page (Google+ profile page) that would portray you and your circles.

As in the previous post, it was mentioned that you could revert back to the old Blogger profile in case you don't like the change. People normally resist change. But i believe its a good one and should be tested. You would always have the chance to revert back, that we are going to discuss today.

Note that the revert link that ill provide in a second, would only work if you have switched over to Google+ profile from Blogger profile, (obviously). How could you revert something that you haven't done :)

So yeah, go to revert-profile link and follow the instructions there on.

After the revert process has been done, a notification would appear on your Blogger Dashboard.

blogger profile to google+ profile

 So that's it. Wasn't that easy? Tell us whether you would like to revert to the old Blogger profile or the new Google+ servers you better.

Guest Post by Hassam Ahmad Awan. MBT's Gold Star Guest Author.

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Iranians Reservations Over Google Reader Overhaul

google reader

2011 has proved to be a major year for Google products. There were new things introduced, with the most prominent being Google+. Google has to make it sure that its new social network is a success, as the previous attempts to build up an effective social network (Orkut, Google Buzz) were some how thought to be failed.

To make the success obvious, Google is integrating its new social platform within its every product, to give a new feel, to how we take up things online. As every other Google product are getting an overhaul, may it be Blogger, YouTube etc, it is now Google Reader which is to be placed into the factory.

As Google being the online giant, it has a huge role in setting, how things work in different circles of life, online and offline. It seemed that people in Iran were quite into Google reader. As mentioned by Amir on, Iranians use Google Reader as their only source, the true one, by which they could speak out their minds to the world.

google reader overhaulAmir believes, that government has banned most of the social networks and forums, where Iranians could connect to the world and share their feelings. He mentions that other social sites like Facebook, Twitter could be easily blocked by the authorities while Google Reader was backed with secure URL beginning http, as Google reader isn't a separate domain and instead it was a Google extension, (

Google Reader is more like a hidden social outlet to the Iranians where people like VahidOnline, with 7500 followers, share a thought which further turns out to be a popular discuss platform.

As a part of Google reader overhaul, it is belived that users would loose their friends list. For that Brett Keller has created a petition, to save the social features of Google Reader. Despite the 4000 signatures to the petition, it is hard to bias Google, which is set to promote its new social network, the Google+

Guest Post by Hassam Ahmad Awan. MBT's Gold Star Guest Author.

Replace Blogger Profile with Google+ Profile

google plus profile for blogger

Finally Google+ now jumped to Blogger. Blogger team announced yesterday that now you can Use your public Google+ profile on all your existing BlogSpot blogs. Upon switching your default Blogger profile will be replaced with Google+ profile and all your posts, comments and Author profile widget will be redirected to your Google Plus profile. Your blog pseudonym will be replaced with your common name. Your blog photo and info will be replaced with that in Google plus. This option works at present with Blogger in draft and after few weeks it will work on too.


The three main features that this shifting offers are:

  • You will get access to upcoming Google+ features on Blogger
  • your social connections (friends) will see your posts in their Google search results page with an annotation that tells them that you've shared the post. Thus increasing your blog traffic! See below:

annotation for your blogger posts

  • Most importantly it would give you one Unique identity. All your Google Accounts will now use one common name. Your Common is the nickname that you chose on Google+.

Important Notes

However this shift may seem exciting but you need to first note these important points:

  • Upon switching to your Google+ profile,you will have only 30 days to revert back to your old blogger profile. After the time limit is crossed, your Blogger profile data will be deleted permanently.
  • Information on your Blogger profile won't be transferred to your Google+ profile, so you must manually copy your blogger profile data to Google+ before making the automatic switch.

After having read all the pros and cons lets now make the move!

Change Blogger Profile To Google+

  1. Click this link: Switch to Google+ profile
  2. Read the instructions carefully, agree to the terms and hit the "Switch Now" button
  3. Done!

Try this new change after you have backed up your blogger profile data and see if you like it. If things were not delightful then simply revert back. Make sure you revert back within a month. I hope this latest news may be interesting for most of you. :)

Monday, 24 October 2011

Blogger Or A FreeLancer? Time To Choose

blogging vs freelancing

Hello guys. The post today is extremely interesting and was in fact the topic that was bugging me from quite a while. Straight away. Blogger or a Free lancer? It could get difficult to decide ones side hobby for your self. A hobby that can make a difference in your life, in the future.

The purpose of this post is to differentiate between Blogging and Free Lancing Carriers. Both are great. But both are not for every body. Indeed you have to work hard to get to an appreciable point, whether in blogging or freelancing. It is said:

Being an entrepreneur is about living a few years of your life like most wont, so that you can live the rest like most can�t.

blogger or freelancer

Blogging is when you start a blog, on a topic that you could write the most. And yeah note that free lancing can be of many types. Like you could be a free lancer for 3d Modelling, coding or making  iPhone applications. So its totally up to you. But for the sake of this post, i would be comparing the writing carriers, as blogging is entirely a writing carrier, where you have to speak up your mind through words.

So lets see if you want to differentiate between a blogger and an article writer as a free lancer. For the ones who don't know Freelancing, its basically working for people online for their set jobs. The most popular freelancing sites are Elance and Freelancer.

You search for the topics that you are interested to write on, and you would get different jobs, posted by other people. A person starts by biding on the job while keeping in mind other bids people have already made. Like say, the job poster mentioned his budget range for which he can hire writers. Say (500-1000$). Now people would bid. Each job on Elance has the highest, Average and lowest bid shown with it.

So starters usually bid low, so that they could get the job easily.  Each freelancer has his own portfolio (profile page) from which his expertise can be judged. So this is a general background of freelancing.

Lets compare blogging and freelancing now.

The Final Show Down

As you read the Top 10 earning blogs in 2011 list yesterday, you get an idea what ill be talking about later in this post. See, blogging can be more challenging then free lancing career. The actual results that you start to get for a particular blog is no less than 6-8 months. And this period is of extreme posting with proper SEO. Other wise it could take an year to just start getting the feel of blogging.

As building traffic is hard to achieve and requires true level of commitment, you wont be getting any sum of money before a whole dry year. An extremely boring one. You would almost leave blogging on every day that you rise. Its just how it goes. But the ones who stick to it, get what most cant.

On the other hand, setting up an Elance account takes less than an hour, with your all portfolio set. You bid for jobs and mostly you get few within 7-15 days period. Depending upon your profile and biding rates.

making money online

You would have written hundreds of quality articles on your blog, but you wont be getting any sum before a proper year of handwork. Where as, people on Elance offer 20-40$ for a single quality article that the writer writes. So just say you could make fast money while free lancing, supposing your portfolio is a good one.

On the other hand, most of us got our first Adsense cheques 6-8 months after we started blogging. So blogging is not a fast way to get into money business, but indeed it grows exponentially in later years. This is the power of blogging.

Where as on Elance, you might make a hell lot more than you would in first year of blogging, still that would be it. We in fact cant judge blogging and freelancing carries right away as it depends upon every individual that what suites best for him. But just to note, that you cant make those 22,000$ each day with freelancing profile that you could get in blogging carrier.

So it depends what level of targets you have set for your selves. Personally to me, freelancing really attracts and i know i could make more than 500$ a month without a problem, but still i believe on the power of blogging. :) Its just me.

So guys, Blogging or Freelancing?

Guest Post by Hassam Ahmad Awan. MBT's Gold Star Guest Author.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Top 10 Earning Blogs In 2011

Figures are always motivational. We all know how fascinated we get by reading different success stories. Isn't it? Search Google with 'Monthly Adsense Reports' and you'll find various inspirational writings.

Likewise, what presently you are reading is indeed a list of success stories. So sit back and control your mouth watering..So, the Top 10 earning blogs, right? The purpose of today's post isn't to just motivate you, but to show how traffic can reward you and bring you to such a golden list.

It would go in ascending order so that you don't loose interest..(still i know you would hop up to the last one :P)

Note that all the figures shared below are approximate and can vary from the original.

10. JoyStiq

JoyStiq is owned by AOL. The blog has an Alexa rank of approx 2000 (recently dropped from 1000). JoyStiq gets a huge ton of traffic which makes it one of the post popular blog online. With an approximate worth of $1.28 million, the blog secures 1700$ daily.

The major income that Joystiq grabs is by CPM Advertisement (Cost per mille) that is when advertisers pay for the exposure they get for each 1000 impressions.

9. Perez Hilton

Mario lavandeira founded Perez Hilton that presently holds 978 Alexa rank. The blog is one of the top blogs in the world with over 3500$ daily income. You can buy the blog for $2.66 million (:P). The major source of income is through Advertisement banners that sells in big figures.

perz hilton

8. Gizmodo

Gizmodo, the gadget guide, as it says, is a poplar technology blog that has a pretty high Technorati authority.The blog post 10-20 daily articles that has awarded Gizmodo with 590 Alexa rank. The blog again plays in millions with the total approx worth of $2.86 million. Daily income is around 4000$.

7. Life Hacker

Nick Denton founded Life Hacker. The top notch blog provides daily tips to get things done. Daily revenue is quite mouth watering. The blog generates around 5000$ daily with $3.52 million total worth.

Advertisement through banners is the main source of income of Life Hacker.

life hacker

 6. Tuts+

With an Alexa rank of 623, Tuts plus gets massive traffic that generates 5000$ daily approx. Tollis Taeed has build up the blog that holds 722 quality tutorials with more than thousand tutorial source files. Tut+ is the top tutorial blog. $3.7 million is what all you have to pay to get hold of it :)

tuts plus

5. Smashing Magzine

Smashing magazine is an online magazine for professional web developers. You get thousands of techniques to approach a specific task. It has an Alexa rank of 578 with daily income of 6382$ approx.

The blog's worth is $4.66 million.

smashing magzine

4. Engadget

Engadget is one of the most popular Technology blog with millions of daily visitors that provide a daily income of around 10,000$. You could read the blog for all day long and wont get bored. Engadget is worth around $7.2 million, being one of the top earning blogs all time.

The new iPhone 4S is hot on Engadget now days :) Engadget is in the top 343 websites on net! Peter Rojas is the guy behind the mighty site.


3. Techcrunch

Techcrunch is THE top technology blog and is considered as the guru blog. There is a huge staff behind the blog success with many writers. Frequently post 20-30 articles daily, Techcrunch has set a reputable space in the modern tech world.

The blog gets around 14,816$ daily with a total worth of 10.82 million dollars. Techcrunch has an Alexa rank of 215.


2. Mashable

A blog that every body has heard of. You might be waiting for it in the list. Mashable, as the name suggest is the mash up of almost every thing online. Its the ultimate blog to follow. The posts are quoted world wide due to the authority that the blog has created over the years.

Mashable is owned by Pete Cashmore. The daily income is around 15,781$ with the total worth of the blog approx around 11.52 million dollars.


1. The Huffington Post

Last but first..The Huffington Post. Arianna Huffington developed the most profitable blog over the years, with daily income reaching 30,000$ ! The main source of income is through PPC (pay per click) with dominantly Adsense. The blog worth an amazing 21.82 million $!

(See you jumped right here first!)

Ok guys, hope these figures were motivational for you and inspire you to start your own blog. Always aim high. Plan to make the best leading blog like these are. Note that non of these blogs got these figures on their disposal over nights. They had to be consistent and hardworking for their early years.

Best of luck!


Guest Post by Hassam Ahmad Awan. MBT's Gold Star Guest Author.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

Facebook Messenger App Updated-Supports More Languages

facebook messenger updated

Hello folkes. You would have heard about the Facebook Messenger that has been released lately. Facebook Messenger application covers the live chatting part, plus it supports normal messages too. Whats the reason behind an individual chat application when we already could chat from the native Facebook for mobile app?

Facebook Messenger chat

Still blank on that part, personally. Facebook messenger was available for iOS and Android before they launched it for BlackBerry too, recently. The application now supports many new languages. In an all 22 new for Android and 12 new languages for iOS version.

The native Facebook app had the chat feature but it was pretty laggy. I could often get the message of a particular chat faster than the chat window updated itself. At least now with Facebook Messenger we are able to get the chat updates in real time.

Facebook has really done hard work on improving the overall Facebook experience, specially after the launch of Google + and its various popular features. First the Facebook for mobile app got an overall with huge changes to the app. Finding stuff is now a whole lot easier and notifications, friend request etc are all easily accessible. Good Work Facebook.

And yea one thing more, in the Messenger app, you can add the location too. :)

Download Facebook Messenger :

For iOS | For Android | For BlackBerry

Guest Post by Hassam Ahmad Awan. MBT's Gold Star Guest Author.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Success Secrets Of Facebook, Twitter and Other Social Sites

success secrets of social media sitesToday, we are going to analyze the secrets behind the success of social networking websites. But before that, let�s have a look at the formal definition of social network. Professor J. A. Barnes, who coined the term social network, defined it as:
A social network is an association of people drawn together by family, work or hobby.
So, a social networking website is basically a mean of creating and expanding that network, using the internet facility. The reason why a website is suitable for this purpose is obvious...because it can connect people all over the globe, beyond the limitations of geographical distance. Now, the next point is how to bring strangers know about each other�s bio data, interests, hobbies etc and make new friends? And this is the charm and in fact challenge for the website developer.


I am not going to pass a judgment that a particular social networking website is better than other. Rather, my point is to make you consider those secrets and try to use those for the promotion of your blog or website. Since, facebook is most popular social networking website; therefore, I�ll talk a lot about facebook.

Before the launch of facebook, MySpace was already well- established. Then how facebook was able to �create got to' sign up and visit�frequently?�
And how facebook has been able to make its users stay for so long, even when new websites with new ideas are emerging? It is not just the idea and programming as one may seem it obvious, but there�s much more behind it. As one commenter wrote about the case back in 2007,

�I have taken a look at ConnectU and their script�anybody could write such a script...What makes Facebook  facebook, is not because of any code or script�it�s Faceboook�s strategy and [how they] positioned themselves.�

As I have mentioned earlier, at the time of its launch facebook had a competition with MySpace as it was six months old and was able to drive people to its network. Since, boredom alone cannot be a reason for a social network to fall, so, facebook had to come up with some strong grounds to convince people to migrate to facebook. And the very first issue they settled was privacy issue� by making users� profile and data visible only to users� friends. Secondly, they provided a much better user interface. Features like the newsfeed and picture tagging brought interaction to a new level. Then, facebook brings people together who already know each other e.g. find friends via their email addresses. It also introduced authentication of users. I.e. no fake profiles were allowed.

So, you can easily see that there was a complete plan for the implementation of idea. Well enough of facebook� let�s look what facebook competitors are doing. As informed in the MBT blog by Mr.Hassam Ahmed Awan, �iOS 5 Tripled Twitter Signups Rate Due To Ease of Use�. He further explains, twitter is integrated in iOS 5 and therefore people find it easier to sign up for twitter through easy steps. Integration in iOS 5 means that it is now the part of iOS 5 and not like a separate application that people were used of before.

So, I don�t know about your opinion but I am really impressed by the wise step i.e. integrate your blog or application with any other tech titan so to make it more accessible� no downloads require� no complexity. Remember, simplicity is what customers demand.
And now finally have a brief look at Google plus features which is a possible challenge for Facebook.

Search Google+, where, users can simply type key words into the search box, and relevant people and material will be shown in your stream. Google+ has undergone some mobile improvements e.g. users can now use SMS to post, receive notifications and respond to group messages in Google. Now you can use the +name feature to mention a person. Android users will also soon be able to +1 comment. It is also providing Google+ Messenger, which will support image sharing. Google lets you save a backup of your photos, profile information, contacts, circles, stream posts, and Buzz posts to your computer via Data liberation feature.

Google plus, is a young social network and there�s a lot of room for its improvement. Let�s wait and see if it could take up facebook. Wrapping up the discussion, I would like to quote
Your plan is only successful if it can be implemented, measured, and tracked.

And make your plans by knowing why and when your target market is most likely to pay attention .i.e. understand human psychology as well.

  Name Description Date launched Registered Users Monthly Unique visitors Registration
1. Facebook General February 2004 640,000,000+[80] 700,000,000 13 and older
2. Twitter General. Micro-blogging, RSS, updates July 15, 2006 175,000,000[294][295] 200,000,000 Open
3. LinkedIn Business and professional networking May 2003 120,000,000[169] 100,000,000 Open to people 18 and older
4. MySpace General August 2003 100,000,000+[202][203] 80,500,000 Open to ages 13 and older
5. Ning Users create their own social websites and social networks     60,000,000  
6. Tagged General.   100,000,000[276] 32,000,000 Open
7. Google Plus+ General. June 28, 2011 50,000,000[124] 25,000,000 General, Open
8. orkut General. Owned by Google Inc. Popular in India and Brazil.[225] January 22, 2004 100,000,000[226]    15,500,000 Open to people 18 and older, (Google login)
9. hi5 General. 2003   11,500,000 Open to people 13 and older.
10. myyearbook General, Charity   20,000,000 7,450,000 Open to age 13 and up & grades 9 and up


Guest post by Aimen Khan. Regular MBT Contributor