This new Site is Hosted on Hostgator, built on Genesis Framework and uses the Genesis Focus child Theme. Redesign and development done by us.
The blog aims at educating specifically 4 important people going through a different life circle and these 4 people are:
- Students
- Housewives
- Jobless
- Retirees
1. Students
I was a student myself unless someone had guided me the right way with their precious tutorials and helpful guide I would be no where today. I learnt the fundamentals of Online business from students of my age and not from those Online Marketing Liars out there who keep on bragging about helping you with entrepreneurship ideas but they do no good except motivating you with their baseless stories and forcing you to revolve around their circle and finally either download their free eBooks (for self promotion), join their sponsored Products or ultimately purchase their final output.
There is no short cut to Survival be that offline or Online
As students ourselves, we understand how hard it is to make a living online when you have zero investment in hands and tons of academic tasks on your head. Therefore to share the best available practical earning strategies, we are contributing online and share all these tips based on our personal experience and practical implementation of every simple method. Whether we talk of content Writing, Freelancing, Graphics Designing, Talent selling, Commissions or share Job Resources we aim at presenting you with every possible rich Income Methods possible online.
2. Housewives
Married women who browse online from their homes and have their husband credit Card in their hands are first victim to these Online Monsters. Roughly Millions of dollars of Fake Work-From-Home Scam advertisements are done on Adwords, Facebook and other networks just to make sure these women are convinced and forced to follow an email list that starts with free promotions but ends with a Product sell. If a Marketer is able to attract even 1000 new credit card holders out of 1 Million people who signed up for an Earning or Traffic formula which costs $50/sale, he is able to push in $50,000 into his Bank each month using his Automatic Email Delivery system!
Do you know how much it costs to attract 1 Million on Facebook alone?
If the advertiser has optimized his Ad well and optimized it for Page Clicks not CPM then it would cost him less than $3 per 1000 clicks. Which means just $3000 US Dollars for 1 Million targeted visitors! Believe it or not, it is even cheaper on some other Ad networks. Once the visitor hits their landing page, their fantasizing videos, words play and Fancy graphics play well to blind them completely and force them to join the list. Thus a total $47,000 Free cash straight in their pockets. Its happening everywhere if you open your eyes..
Internet Marketers know well the growing boom in Online shopping and ease of Payment transaction and they try every possible method to force you into a transaction. Since women and hopeless unemployed graduates are an easy target, they easily get into the trap. Thanks to Paypal, MoneyBookers and Payoneer, Internet scams have become even more easy!
In order to educate youngsters and especially women with all these Fake Money Making Engines and Traffic Formulas, we will be sharing tutorials to make them identify the good from bad and use their cooking, embroidery, Fashion or any home skill that they may have to start making handsome money online.
Practical Example:
Last year I met Sanjana, a housewife from India and with an addiction to Indian Sarees and Indian Jewelry collection. Our job was to guide her through A-Z of content Marketing, blog development, Search Engine Optimization and turning her home skills into an Online Business. Luckily based on the tips and services we offered, Sanjana is now running two popular blogs for free on blogger with traffic that has even left behind MBT! She is now making enough income through AdSense and Online clothing and Jewelery Services to help her family live a well cherished life. She is now a happy STC Network Customer for the past one year.
If sanjana can do it so could you. All that we request you is to read the articles well, practice the tips next and keep experimenting with a lot of patience because there is never a quick free lunch online!
3. Jobless
I am sure you know this term well. With growing recession and lack of Jobs due to over population and increased competition, graduates and youngsters are frequent victims of this phase of life. Jobless is every word that you hear on TV, Newspapers and Online. Again since these people are half broken inside and have often lost hopes in good income, they can easily be fooled to suck the remaining budget out of their lives by forcing them to Scam Earning Mechanisms. The reason why we never link or talk of those big fishes online that you hear of everyday is because we honestly don't respect them. We are in blogosphere since 2008 and we have kept a close watch on their Online campaigns and especially email lists and tweets.
Now its time these potential and skill youngsters be taught with practical methods of exhibiting their skills and to get a much better life online. But note! there is no space with us or anywhere else where you ask for a quick success mechanisms. Hard work is all that counts here.
4. Retirees
We all have grandfathers and we know how bad it seems when they are paid an average retirement income which is 40%-50% less than their Normal Working wage. Yes that sucks badly. Most of these adults have rich resource of knowledge base or I should rather say a river of Precious Experience. We have communities Online where they can utilize their skills more productively. They can record consultancy videos and spread them online through YouTube or paid Video broadcasting Services. They can share their real estate ideas, authorship ideas, Forex or Medical tips and what not? Most of our customers even include famous writers, University professors and Novelist. What we suggested them were to publish their Press Releases, Written documents or Text Books online and turn every chapter into an online web page in order to let the crazy Search bots crawl and index these great learning resources. In return they can put ads on their site to turn every new visitor into cash!
Internet is booming tremendously and what it lacks is qualified and skilled contributors like these 55-60 years of age Golden folks. They are the first to contribute to Wikipedia!
We will try our level best to help them make best use of their existing skills on all our network blogs.
Why Success Stories?
We will often talk of luxury, lifestyle and net worths. The purpose behind this is not to motivate you to fantasize a life of celebrities or the Rich but to make you realize that they were also just normal middle class members of the society like us. It was only a matter of 1-2 years of hard work that pushed them to where they are today. So benefiting from their ideas and strategies is what that counts more.
We publish even about luxury and Lifestyle in order to give some entertainment to our readers but we never aim at making you dream of such wastage of money! Sometimes you need off-topic stuff to keep your readers active and entertained.
STC Network Team
I must inform everyone that we now have two new members in the family:
- Yusra Adil: Our New content Writer
- Ahmed Nasir: Our Senior Web Developer
Our existing employees include:
- Qasim Zaib - Senior Content Writer & My emergency Plug!
- Nida Zaidi - Senior Content Writer & Marketer
- Rahman Majeedi: Our Senior Graphics Designer
I just hope we continue providing you with rich resources and providing the best online medium to learn almost everything you need. Our authors are friendly helpers and guiders. If you have questions or need their help, you are most welcome to approach them through their blog posts. The contact pages are only meant for Advertisement queries and Premium Services.
Need to hear you!
My sole purpose behind launching new sites is always experimenting with new platforms, tools and playing with growing changes in Search algorithms. I am a student like you and I learn things by trial and error and prefer remaining noob when it comes to learning. Whatever I learnt so far, I will post them in coming weeks. I don't know what is coming next but with trust in God and in friends like you, I am sure we have a better stop ahead. I have kept even a bigger surprise for MBT users and this new project will be launched before coming EID inshAllah. It's a complete new CMS built and developed for our blog users and it has nothing to do with Wordpress or Blogger. This new idea is the most unique and I am sure it will entertain the readers more.
PS: Please don't forget visiting this new blog and make sure you like its Fan Page to show your love like always! :)
Wish to here precious views and suggestions of my beloved MBT readers below. Peace and blessings buddies. :)
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