Saturday, 31 December 2011

How To Increase Traffic With The Old Contents Of Your Blog

In your early days of blogging, your blog had a very little traffic coming to your site everyday, or you didn�t have any traffic at all. The contents that you built during that time would haven�t reached many people because you didn�t have enough traffic when it was actually published, and when your blog�s traffic has grown those old contents will be buried and rarely people go deep into your archive. So those old contents didn�t reach many people!

You can make use of those articles again(when you have built a large readers base) to make sure that those content which were also build working hard is read by your readers. Now in this posts, I will discuss about how to take your readers back to old stuffs on your blog and show them �Old is Gold�
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Friday, 2 December 2011

Download Copyblogger Free Blogger Template!!!

Most of the bloggers know about the Copy blogger. Now they upgraded their theme and they decided to share their previous theme as a Genesis Child design to all Genesis community at no charge,but this will be only used by the wordpress users who has Genesis Framework. So,I decided to convert the Copy blogger's child theme to a blogger template and this was my first template.I hope you all enjoy this template. You can preview and download it for free by using the links below.
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Sunday, 27 November 2011

List Of 75 High PageRank social bookmarking sites

Hi,friends we already seen some lists like
Now,Check out this best list of social bookmarking sites that I have collected, as we all know social bookmarking sites can help us bring direct traffic to your site and also they can increase our search engine rankings by giving us a back-link. There are thousands of social bookmarking sites but after a little research I have found some really good social bookmarking sites that I use for my every new site. Don�t waste your time bookmarking on useless sites because I was some sites are DE-indexed and some are gone without any notice or anything so it is really worthless to bookmark on this sites.

This list only contains fresh social bookmarking sites that are updated daily and hundreds of people are using this sites regularly. Below I am going to share my personal list of social bookmarking sites for you.

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Sunday, 20 November 2011

New Stylish Related Posts For Blogger Blogs updated 2011

Related post widget is a great widget which helps your readers to know about your blogs older post.Here i have joined the social bookmarking widget with the related post widget. This will help you to increase your site's social media popularity.This widget is a updated version of my previous related post widget.
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Saturday, 19 November 2011

Why Affiliate Marketing is better than Google Adsense?

This is a response post by Rafay Baloch to Hassam's post on Why you should never blog on Hacking? 

Affiliate-Marketing Vs Google AdsenseAdSense is a very popular and widely known PPC network. It is how Google makes most of its income. AdSense has proven to be one of the highest paying ad networks, therefore a lot of bloggers and webmasters have been attracted by AdSense over the past few years. However the biggest mistake (in my opinion) most of the bloggers and webmasters commit is when they make AdSense as their main source of revenue, leaving themselves at the mercy of Google.

Last month AdSense banned more than 90% of the Pakistani publishers, due to the massive amount of click frauds by Pakistani Bloggers, Only 10% of the bloggers were doing click fraud and as a result of this the rest of 80% suffered badly. I was also the victim of the ban. It was a huge shock to those who has kept AdSense as their major source of income.

The Reason Why I Survived?

Well the answer is simple, I don't rely on AdSense, AdSense just brought 10% of my income, So I was really not worried if there was no adsense at all, However on the other hand the bloggers whose 90% of income was made through adsense lost every thing.

Affiliate Marketing

This post is not solely about the comparison b/w Adsense and Affiliate Marketing, However this post is more targeted towards the importance of affiliate marketing. So What is Affiliate Marketing?

affiliate_marketing Cycle

In simpler words an Affiliate Marketing means Cost per action, You earn an affiliate commission based on the action of the user. For Example: If a user completes a survey, You get a commission (Which b/w is known as Cost per lead, It's a type of affiliate marketing), If a user buys a product, You get a commission (Which is an example of traditional affiliate marketing.


I have been closely analyzing the strategies of famous internet marketers and affiliate marketers such as John chow, ZacJohnson etc,  And most of their money is made by the combination of the two things, EMAIL MARKETING + AFFILIATE MARKETING. Let's take an example of ZacJohnson, He runs a blog zacjohnson, He makes SixFigure income by just Affiliate marketing, As a reason of which he is  widely known as Six Figure Affiliate Blogger.

Six Figure Bloggers Strategy:

Here is the strategy which almost every six figure affiliate bloggers use:

1. Choose A Target Audience.

2. Choose A Targeted Product.

3. Build An Email List with target audience.

4. Start Selling.

My Personal Opinion About Adsense Vs Affiliate Marketing:

"Choosing Adsense over affiliate marketing is just like trading dollars for pennies".

My Advice To Newbie Bloggers:

My advice to newbie bloggers is not restrict your self to only one source of income, Instead you create multiples sources of your income, So if one goes down, the other one is there to backup, In my upcoming guest posts, I will talk more about affiliate marketing and direct Ads, Types Of affiliate Marketing, Some Case Studies, Best affiliate marketing networks etc.

If you have any questions feel free to comment.

Rafay Baloch has launched a new blog by the name IncomeFigure where he shares his Earning experiences with newbie bloggers.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Why Should You Never Blog On Hacking?

hacking blogs

Hacking seems very fancy. Recently we had a guy giving out a presentation on his hacking company (ethical hacking) that finds out weak points in security systems of many popular firms, nationally. The presentation was quite motivational in terms of 'doing' something creative in our life.

I guess many students found a new hobby of learning hacking and then teaching it online, once the presentation was over. Learning hacking (knowing ins and outs of system securities) and working out for other firms may seem a good idea, but one who plans to make a living out of it online while teaching (via blog), may need to think about it several times.

Why Should You Never Blog On Hacking?

Many people start blogging to make money online. Money can be the key factor in providing the basic motivation to work and building out quality tutorials on regular basis. The same is what we would expect our hacking blog to return us. That is decent amount of money that would justify the hard work and time we put in those articles.

This is where hacking blogs suffer. There are so many great blogs on hacking (tutorials and walk through), that attract decent bunch of traffic, but makes such a less amount of money that finally demotivates the owner.

no money with hacking blogs

There are several examples of people  who have worked hard over the years to bring their blogs to a point where they may stand among the top ethical hacking blogs online. These blogs have indeed the traffic that one would admire, a great community that a blogger could wish of, but the only down side is in terms of revenue generation.

Sadly, many of such blogs are banned by Adsense due to the niche it was laid in, plus other popular advertisement ventures like BuySellAds didn't supported them too. This is only due to the hacking background of these blogs. That extremely demotivates the author (owner) who have worked for years and gained a loyal readership.

Hacking Blogs Are Banned By Google Adsense?

This is the question that would first strike our minds. That is Basically Why? Google Adsense help mentions that they don't accept hacking and cracking content for the program, still it makes one wonder, as to if ethical hacking comes into the same category?

It says:

Placement of Google ads is not permitted on websites that promote any
form of hacking or cracking. Hacking and cracking content is content
that provides users with instructions or equipment that tampers with or
provides illegal access to software, servers, or websites.

Over the years, Hacking blogs have taught people to secure their systems in a better way possible. Its not just about ethical hacking. Like on mybloggertricks, its not just about Blogger. Its basically what a beginners should know about blogging and getting success online in general.

google adsense banned

So i believe its a bit more harsh to deprive a quality blog with one of the major income streams that a blogger could plan of. The same is the case with BuySellAds, a popular direct advertisement platform. They don't accept blogs that post hacking stuff. Its sad.

You might want to read: Lost AdSense Account? How To Get it Back?

Key Note

Never waste time blogging hacking articles if you wish to make money online. You would fail. Though you could make few bucks with Infolinks or kontera (in text advertisement platforms), but thats just not equivalent to the hard work you would pour in.

Though this might demotivate many of the bloggers out there that fall into the same category, but its the fact that we ultimately have to face. So why not to take action now and build our future with other niche of our interest.


Guest Post by Hassam Ahmad Awan. MBT's Gold Star Guest Author.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Are Affilitate Ads Better Than Direct Ads?

making money online

Who doesn't want to make money online? To me, its the easiest job one could get. Blogging from home, in your own set environment, get up late and what not. There are so many ways that we could make our full time living through different levels of monetization on our blogs/websites.

Beginners often get confused while choosing among different money making ventures that are available to us in today's online world.

Affiliate ads (affiliate marketing) has a great potential and so as direct paid ads. Which one is better? Its again not that simple. Not one of those binary questions to answer. Its depends. There are so many variables in real world that we have to take in consideration.

Affiliate ads (affiliate marketing) is a type where we promote other company's products (that are related to our blog niche, topic in general). You wont promote a hosting company on a technology blog.

The company provides you with their banners (of standard different sizes) and you promote them on your site.

In case of direct ads (like BSA: BuySell ads) you simply advertise any one on your blog at a negotiated price. In this case, you could either build an Advertise Page on your blog and set relevant details (as per your demands) or you could use a popular direct ad network, i.e BuySell Ads.

buysellads direct advertisement

So either way, you promote some other company (product) and that's what advertisement is all about.

Lets Compare: Affiliate Ads vs Direct 

Affiliate ads are often high paying. Take an example of a hosting company, Host Gator. They offer around 50$ whenever a customer gets Host Gator hosting through our Affiliate link (that Host Gator would provide to us). Note the example of Host Gator is just for informational purpose (example) and we are not trying to promote here anything.

1-5 per month
$50 /signup
6-10 per month
$75 /signup
11-20 per month
$100 /signup
21+ per month
$125 /signup

The example shows how powerful affiliate marketing (affiliate ads) can be. Again it all converges to one point, i.e Traffic. Affiliate programs are free to join by the way.

affiliate marketing

On the other hand, direct banner ads are often low paying in long term. This point needs more explanation. Though we could increase the rates of our ads as our blog gets more traffic and thus popularity, but it has a limit to it.

The maximum rates that we could increase have to slow down at some point. You just cant keep on asking for more and more in today's competitive market. Advertisers have so many options due to immense competition among webmasters.

On the other hand, affiliate marketing, just like PPC ads could not even have an end to its potential. The more the traffic, the more sales we could get. But as online marketing depends on so many factors as i mentioned before, Affiliate marking doesn't work for every blog niche. It requires a huge amount of loyal readership that is willing to buy online.

How many times have you ever considered to buy something online? It has been seen that search engine traffic doesn't really support affiliate marketing. As people often search to get something (to get to some specific point) and thats it.

Ladies would better perform at buying stuff online. Just saying. They are more fond of those window shopping thingy where they could be trapped into those ads? (just a light side).

Lets Wrap Up

So to summarize, we cant really back any one of them. Affiliate marketing could be the ultimate way to make money online, only if a webmaster has that 'buying online' tendency viewership. But no doubt it has a huge potential when it comes to mash up of high traffic and loyal readership.

On the other hand, direct ads could be satisfactory, specially in short terms. One starts to get the reward instantly. Popular bloggers, like Daren from problogger earns huge sums through affiliate marketing. Why? The type of readership he got + Mega Traffic.

Have you tried any one of them on your blog? How do you monetize your blog generally? Let us know.

Peace :)

Guest Post by Hassam Ahmad Awan. MBT's Gold Star Guest Author.

Restore Your Suspended Or Deleted Blogger Blog

recover deleted blogger blog

Yesterday i mentioned that Blogger would never suspend your blog without a reason, as only those blogs get penalized that doesn't follow the Blogger's terms of service (TOS). Say if you followed the rules and you feel that your Blogger blog got suspended without a valid reason, than you should consider restoring it back.

The restoration process is simple with a total of 4 steps to be followed. Notice that every steps mentioned below has its own importance and is not just the formality. In case you miss out any of them, Blogger team wont be able to process your application.

The 4 Step Procedure

Step 1: Read!

The first step makes sure that you are aware of the basic knowledge regarding the restoration process. So read about the basic root problem:

  1. Get To The Root Of The Problem - Blame The Spammers

  2. The Attack Of The Clones

  3. Coyotes, Hyenas, And Turkeys

Step 2: Detect your case and process

There can be 3 types of cases with blogs that are penalized. Either:

  • Blog Locked For Suspected TOS Violation ( you have to wait here as you cant process, unless blogger gives out their final verdict against your blog.)

  • Blog Removed For TOS Violation (In this case you have to click the link(s) on your Blogger dashboard that would point you towards help articles that would point you towards the right direction)

  • Blog Locked For TOS Violation (Again login to Blogger dashboard and follow the link)

Step 3: Act and Appeal (Provide Blog URL)

Here you have to submit an appeal against your blog being suspended (or any other mentioned case). Simply enter your blog URL and click submit.

Step 4: Act and Appeal (Write a report)

Now that you have provided your blog's link in step 3, you have to write a polite report to Blogger team mentioning your case. The report can only be written in BHF (Blogger Help Forum) : Something is Broken

Remember brevity and politeness counts.

-What to write in the report?

In your report, state that you have submitted the review and appeal
requests, and when (date) you submitted them.Once you have written the report, you would be given further guidelines to proceed from Blogger help folks.

Do read these to avoid any future problems

read terms of service

  1. Blogger Content Policy

  2. Blogger Terms of Service

  3. Google Privacy Policy

  4. Google Terms of Service 

 Hope you get your blog back as soon as possible. For the ones who are playing safe till now, kindly make sure that you are aware of the policies that we are allowed to work under, to avoid any inconvenience in future.

Good luck!

Guest Post by Hassam Ahmad Awan. MBT's Gold Star Guest Author.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Can Blogger Delete Your Blog For No Reason?

blogger blog deleted

Yesterday i tried to clear 5 Basic Misconceptions Of WordPress Users About Blogger. There was one major miss conception that i wanted to clear out then, but it required much detail to be discussed. So will Blogger really delete your blog for no reason?

To summarize, NO!

Have you ever thought about the position Google or Blogger in specific is enjoying online? Folks at Google (Blogger) had always tried their best to make the online experience better than before. After all they are here for business right? And its in 'their' interest to follow the what they are doing. (i.e to build a spam free online environment).

Who complains?

Google (Blogger) have set some guild lines and terms of service. So any Blogger blog, that doesn't follow the set rules, often gets suspended or worst deleted. Its just obvious. We all agree to the terms and conditions before setting out our blogs. Thats in fact the biggest lie we could ever make. Have we ever read those working conditions? We should.

blogger blog deleted

Note that Blogger doesn't entertain any personnel grudge against a particular webmaster. Its not how the internet giants work. Straight, there are rules, and the one who doesnt follow

them gets penalized. Easy?

So whats against their policy?

blogger policiesThis is mandatory to know as we would not want our years of hard work going out in vain. To quote a Blogger engineer:

it's worth describing a few examples of what Blogger
regularly removes, as part of its zero tolerance policy to abusive /
inappropriate content:

- Affiliate marketing.

- Content created with scripts and programs, rather than by hand.

Content or links referencing referral-based activities such as GPT, MMH
("Make Money from Home"), MMF ("Make Money Fast"), MLM ("Multi-Level
Marketing"), PTC, or PTS.

- Content scraped from other blogs / websites.

- Copyright Infringement.

- Large blogs with multiple, unfocused / unrelated subjects.

- Links to Illegal Downloads / Streaming / Torrents.

There are literally millions of Blogger blogs out there. Search out for Blogger blogs today, it gave 595,000,000 search results. Thats the number Blogger has to deal with. They have set up an algorithm that automatically suspends out the blogs that doesn't abide by the said polices above.

Though the good part of the story is, that you get the chance to appeal. They don't want you to get demoralized. All they strive for is to ensure a better online experience where there are minimal blogs with viruses, marlwares, copied content etc.

You are not singled out

not singled outAs i mentioned before, Google is working hard to make blogging experience spam free. For that, there is a possibility that your blog (that do abides by the TOS) get into the trap. And that's what the appealing procedure is all about. Ill make a detailed post tomorrow explaining how exactly can you bring your blog back (restoration), but only if your blog abides by the working laws.

Here are few explaintions from Blogger that suggests that you're singled out.

Stay tuned for the restorations post tomorrow. There are generally 4 steps that are to be followed. Every step has its own significance.


Guest Post by Hassam Ahmad Awan. MBT's Gold Star Guest Author.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

5 Basic Misconceptions Of WordPress Users About Blogger


Many WordPress users have various misconceptions regarding the Blogger platform. May it be its aesthetics or technicality. Its always wise to clear those doubts and present a better and original view, of the great Blogging platform, i,e Blogger.

Blogger Blogs Are Of Low Quality?

Many WordPress users and newbies are of the view that Blogger being a free service have less to offer and is of low quality. It again boils up to the point, i.e what quality mark we refer to? WordPress? I recently posted 6 Reasons Why Blogger Overshines WordPress.

The post, pours light over the bright sides of Blogger. Indeed every blogging platform has some pros and cons. BUT lately, Blogger has been really put down, without any factual references. The world is full of competition. Its the consumers kite that is flying high. So why not to believe the 'free Blogger' as to their marketing techniques?

quality blogIts more of an approach like our grandparents who often neglected low price products. Believing to be of low quality. I mean really? Why not go for facts. Free hosting with 100% up time. Quality product, that is free. Thats what Blogger is about.

Again the hot topic. Many bloggers are of the view that Google would and could delete their blogs anytime! They are here for business right? We all would have been sitting and posting today with WordPress if Google was that harsh. There is nothing without a reason.

Blogger Blogs Lack Professional Templates?

 Though i believe WordPress have better templates than what Blogger have (not the custom ones, they justify the word newb) for now, BUT to think as a neutral party, there are great templates out their for Blogger in vast quantities. You can Google out several websites sharing beautiful magazine style blogger templates.

Blogger Blogs Are Not SEO Friendly?

First of all, we need to decide here that what SEO are we talking about? What is our ultimate goal with blogging? To gain more traffic right? The basic things that we need for a blog's SEO are its meta tags. That would include the title tags, meta description, meta keywords and all those things.

seo techniques

Secondly, linking pages within the blog wisely, using alt tags with images, nofollowing external links. Wait here are couple of previous posts from MBT that you might want to read here for better SEO:

So any SEO technique is possible in Blogger blogs that could lead you towards low Alexa ranks, high Google page ranks, and provide you with overall blogging success. There is always a better way to approach a point. MBT is a live example of perfect SEO on Blogger blog.

Blogger Blogs Dont Drive Traffic?

C'mon. Post frequency plays the vital role in determining whether you get traffic and loyal readership or not. Its not the Blogger Platform. SEO done right (as mentioned above) with determination could lead to success.

driving traffic

Blogger Blogs Are Not Accepted By Ad Networks?

The popular ad networks today that are widely used by blogger community are, Google Adsense, Buysell Ads, chitika (PPC advertisement like Adsense), Kontera, Infolinks etc.

advertisement blogs

Text based advertisement companies accept blogs pretty easy, event the new ones get accepted on the first try. Though many bloggers feel it a challenge to get accepted by Google Adsense and Infolinks. Both require some depth in the blog. By the grace of Almighty, MBT being a blogger blog have been monetized by them.

The only thing matters to these advertisers is the traffic. You present the traffic, you get paid. You might want to read : How To Find Sponsors For Your Blog?

Hope the post have build a bridge of hope between the two sides :P WordPress users should re consider their opinions about the Blogging Platform that we all would ever love, The Blogger.


Guest Post by Hassam Ahmad Awan. MBT's Gold Star Guest Author.

5 Major Differences Between A Blog And Website

man confused

Differences between a blog and a website are highly searched in today's online arena. Blogging/blog words are so intensely used around the net, that many newbies get stuck on the point here. So i thought why not to mention the basic differences between the two ways by which we can publish our content online.

To summarize, blog is a type of a website (Web log= Blog). Website is a general term. (site on web=website). You might have heard about those static sites and dynamic sites.

That idea supports the Blog vs Website theory. There are few technical differences, as to how the data is presented to the readers. We would also discuss couple of reasons due to which blogs are highly considered now days, to present data online.

And yea, if you are wondering about the eBook series, its not finished yet. In fact we are onto the interesting part. So stay tuned for it in the coming days. Its always better to change some taste. Isn't it?

Blog vs Website-Characteristics Match up

According to Wikipedia, a blog is as follows:


A blog (a blend of the term web log) is a type of website or part of a website supposed to be updated with new content from time to time

Blogs are generally more informally presented to the visitors. The language used is often much simpler than on websites. (though its not necessary as many webmasters now have started to use simpler language, to make their view point clear to a wider range of people, around the globe.)

In blogs, there is a thing called posts, as what you are reading now. Every post have its own static page (as the url suggests), but the main page of the blog is dedicated to the

series of latest posts in reverse-chronological (latest to oldest) order.

recent postsBloggers often prefer to show around 8-12 recent posts on their blogs main (home) page. Where as there is nothing such in a static website. Even if a website is about tutorials (like Lisa Arby's popular website, The website was launched years ago, when the blogging wasn't quite into the online world.

She did a pretty neat job with the sequence of the content. Interlinking was perfect. You could take a look to that site, in order to get to know the feel of a static website.

The major difference between the two types, blog and a static website is about the content refreshment. The major content of website remains the same. Though the webmaster could add additional pages to the website to increase the content, but the order by which the information is presented could not be later changed. (isn't changed).

Thats where blog have started to gain popularity. Have you ever thought about the way you search internet now days? You either follow a specific, popular blog right away (through bookmarks) or in most cases, you search search engines.

Search engines help you to get to a specific question (like how to add bla bla to blogger). It would take you to the static page, with the best information of the particular topic, either it comes from blog or website. So the content is basically searched the same way as before (through search engines), but blogs provide a different dimension to the way information is presented.

Another huge aspect of blogs due to which people have adopted them, are their ability to get crawled by search engines frequently. As the posts are updated on daily basis (sometimes many times in a day), so search engines crawl blogs many times a day in order to fetch new content.

To summarize a blog:

  1. Blogs provide commenting system 

  2. Updated almost daily

  3. Articles appearing in reverse-chronological order

  4. Frequently crawled by Search Engines

  5. Often covers a wide variety of articles

Consider a any static website, say on a topic 'Make Money Online'. So the general idea of the content would revolve around the said topic. Where as blogs are often vast in nature. Blogs publish them as e.g, Technology blog. So you would get to know about every unique/latest technologies through different posts.

Blogs are more like newspapers. Covering a vast variety of topics.

To get slightly off topic here, MBT guest author, Aiman Khan, recently posted : How To Find Ideas For Blog Posts Daily?. So while writing this posts, i feel like making another one for 'Importance of Blog over a Website'. :) As there are many things that i should keep safe for the next posts.

Differences between the two content sharing techniques could be better explained there. Hope this posts gave a general overview.

You might also like to read: 

Meet ya tomorrow!


Guest Post by Hassam Ahmad Awan. MBT's Gold Star Guest Author.

Monday, 14 November 2011

Make an eBook: Creating Killer Title And Content Overview

create killer content

Okeh, so we have finally reached towards the heart of this series, that is to 'Make an eBook'. If you haven't checked out the 2 previous posts, you could read them out by surfing through the contents that i have created below.

Creating killer Title and Content is the back bone of any eBook. Yesterday we went through some techniques that could help us better build our content and choose the eBook title wisely.

 1-Introduction To eBook Marketing

  • Who should make an eBook? 

  • Why to make an eBook

2-Planing Phase

3-Building Phase 

 4-Developing Phase 

5-Publishing Phase 

  • Creating an online ebook form / Customization

  • Applying the form to the Blogger Blog

  • Building Download system with email subscription / Thanks page  

::Series ended by 5/11/2011::

 Choosing the Title

The title technique goes just like our normal blog post technique. Titles having figures, personnel touch, high profile keywords works the best. As an example, notice my recent post:

 6 Reasons Why Blogger Overshines WordPress

The is heading attractive to the eyes. As the post was on the hot topic, plus the 6 point figure made it more compelling to read. Recently i read an eBook by blogtyrant which also had a compelling heading, that goes like: "

Capture 120% More Email Subscribers Overnight"

So the point is that simple. Always decide the title of an eBook before hand. Before making the content. That would allow you to stick to the main theme of the eBook. People often like to read lists, as they save time and convey the entire content in a nutshell.

They would always like to have points in mind regarding any particular topic, instead of reading a whole bunch of content that would confuse them at the end.

Enjoy what you write = Killer Content

Creating killer content could be extremely easy and a fun job, but..only when our mind is a head of our typing speed. Generic content formation rules apply to eBooks too. As with eBook, you aim to provide some information, in your own style that you know about.

You cant write 100 words on something that you don't know much about. So first of all, make sure that are you knowledgeable enough, on the topic that you aim to write on. Some times, having knowledge is not enough. Enjoying what you write is another plus for creating killer content.

You might want to continue with the same topic of eBook, and publish new parts in the future. So having interest in what ever you do is the key. Plus adding colorful relevant pictures, bullet points, facts and figures, wise paragraphing results in a generation of quality content.

 Adding a personnel touch = Authority

This part of the content would determine the amount of success that your eBook would grab. Even though you might be having knowledge that you would write about, its extremely important to have some personally opinion/experience to it.

Imagine you yourself have never even touched 100k Alexa mark and plan to build an eBook something like, 10 Golden Rules To Achieve <5k Alexa rank. Even though the idea seems cool and many people would like to know the magic points, the first thing they would do is to proceed by checking your rank.


As a result, it would add no authority to the topic. Only if you knew the golden rules, you could have achieved that yourself. And authority and expert stature is what you want to achieve with your eBook. There are tons of them already floating out there online, so there's should be something unique about the content.

So that now we got an overview of how we should plan our eBook's Content, tomorrow we would see how we could bring it to practical grounds. What programs we can use to start building content, formatting techniques, aesthetics and stuff.

Question: What do you think makes up a killer content?

Hopes this series is interesting to you guys and makes you wait for the next. Remember me in your prayers.

Take Care.

Guest Post by Hassam Ahmad Awan. MBT's Gold Star Guest Author.

Pakistan Blog Awards: Its Time To Show Love And Vote For MBT!

Its Huge!surprised Its really an honor for me to present Mybloggertricks's success to the world of blogging here today. There are great bloggers around the world that have served there lives for blogging and bringing the best content to the loyal visitors.

There is a series of rewards for every field in the world that we wish to work in. May it be video gaming or the world of showbiz. A single Oscar award on any artists portfolio could change his life. So is the case with Pakistan Blog Awards 2011.

The contest was first time held last year in Pakistan (2010) where great hard working minds got exposure of the international market. Pakistani bloggers could register their blogs in the contest. There are total of 33 categories namely:

1. Best Humor Blog

2. Best Online Community Blog

3. Best Political Coverage

4. Best Celebrity Blogger

5. Best Social Activist Blog

6. Best Fashion Blog

7. Best Travel Blog

8. Best Diarist

9. Best Gossip Blog

10. Best Literature Blog

11. Best Technology Blog-Local Technology

12. Best Technology Blog-International Technology

13. Best Sports Blog

14. Best Business Blog

15. Best Marketing Blog

16. Best Education Blog

17. Best Science Blog

18. Best Healthcare Blog

19. Best Food Blog

20. Best Urdu Blogger

21. Best Sector Coverage Blog

22. Best Photo Blog

23. Best Culture Blog

24. Best Video Blog

25. Best Music Blog

26. Best Corporate Brand Blog

27. Best Current Affairs Blog

28. Best Use of the Urdu Language in a Blog

29. Best Youth Blog

30. Best Blog from a Journalist

31. Best Aggregator Blog

32. Best Infotainment Blog

33. Best Regional Language Blog

Mybloggertricks has been registered in the Best Technology Blog-International Technology category. Let us all join our hands and give back something to Mohammad, what he deserves.

Mohammad started blogging back in 2009 officially with Mybloggertricks, and gained exposure through his other previous blogs. After all every body starts at one time. Right? Now many people around the net praise him with this efforts over Blogger tutorials and Social Media.

Where MBT Stands?

It was his vision, curiosity and non the less his aim to lead the race, brought him to this position today in the blogosphere. Mybloggertricks rose from 63k to 10k Alexa, (Alexa recorded from where he left for exams) within 3 months time span! That could not have been possible without you guys and the love that you people have showed through lovely comments.

With the grace of Almighty,  MBT now stands on Page rank 4 with a place in DMOZ directory. Mohammad has also worked hard with the widgets, templates that he gives out for free to his loyal readers. The email subscribers have reached a stunning 4553!

Connection to Social Media have always been a strong side of MBT. People like to connect and read the latest in and outs of Blogger tricks/Social Media through Facebook/Twitter. A total of 3553 People liked and showed their love through Facebook. 1396 Twitter users thought it was a good idea to follow MBT. Along with 571 Google friend connect followers.

The recently opened Google+ profile is also blowing away with Mohammad being in 507 circles world wide.

Hats Off dude!

Muhammad's Side Plans

As always, he has been working on providing insights of blogging success that has rarely been shared by others. No one would mention you to check out you post frequency. Instead, you would often listen about back links etc.

In the future, we all be seeing another great project i.e (, which would be first blog management premium service offering design and SEO services with life time consultancy.

People would be lucky to get his sincere advices :)

Time To Return Something smile emoticon

Winning in Pakistan Blog Awards mean a lot. It could bring Mohammad to the eyes of Industry. Sure that would help him in his future prospects. All we have to do is to go and vote for MBT @ Pakistan Blog Awards Page.

As a part of MBT i would recommend 5 Stars for our brother. Also leave out a lovely comment and mention how you feel about this brotherly community that we all have created over the time.

Spread The Word!

You know the power of mouth. Don't forget to share the link below with your friends.

You could also share this particular post @ Facebook, Twitter.

Lets join our hands and make it sure that we give Muhammad a warm welcome when he arrives back from his exams.


Guest Post by Hassam Ahmad Awan. MBT's Gold Star Guest Author.

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Make an eBook: Research Your Targeted Market

research your market 

Making an eBook is a great way to increase your email subscriber base, as i mentioned that in the previous post in the series: "Make an eBook".

You are here:

 1-Introduction To eBook Marketing

  • Who should make an eBook? 

  • Why to make an eBook

2-Planing Phase

3-Building Phase 

 4-Developing Phase 

5-Publishing Phase 

  • Creating an online ebook form / Customization

  • Applying the form to the Blogger Blog

  • Building Download system with email subscription / Thanks page  

::Series ended by 5/11/2011::

There are couple of ways through which you can research and get to know your targeted market in a fairly fast way. If you are blogging from quite a while, then you might not be needing this part of research, as you would already be familiar with the kind of audience that you have earned over the years.

What should you research about?

Well this is pretty much practical to ask. For making a great eBook, you have to make it sure that your hard work doesn't go in vain. Your content in the eBook might be best out their, but that might just not what your readers want.

So providing the right information at time could result in a life saver. You would often get comments like:

" Thank you so much. Thats exactly what i wanted.  You're a life saver"

 Pretty encouraging right? Thats the status we want to achieve with our eBook. So by knowing the age group, level of literacy, gender, location etc we could better target our market.

How could this data influence our eBook content?

By knowing the level of literacy of your audience, you could choose the vocabulary that you would pour into your eBook. Using simple language works the best, by the way. Knowing the gender of your audience, makes you better equipped while adjusting those little jokes around.

Say you get most of you traffic from US. You could mention the country in your eBook in some regards, that would drive a personnel touch to the eBook. So thats how different set of data could help your make a better eBook, that earns a better demand in the market.

So how to collect this all useful data?

This is the actual core of today's post. Well there are couple of great tools out their. I would recommend Google Analytics. Get to know the keywords that draws you most of the traffic at your blog. This would help you know that why people search you online. Say you get most of the traffic from a keyword 'How to wash your dog'.

google analytics

Now, in the eBook that you would make on dogs, you should concentrate more over dog washing techniques and not on dog food. Thats just a rough idea.

The demographics can also be studied through Google Analytics. There are other great tools for the purpose like, Market Samurai or Keyword Elite 2.0 but they are not free. Market Samurai costs 90$, but has build up a reputation over the time.


Once you gather all of this useful information, you could start Building your first ever eBook. The information would help you set the name of your eBook and the use of keywords in the content, that i would talk about in the next post in the series.

To make sure that you don't miss out any posts in the 'Make an eBook' series, kindly subscribe to the email to get the post right in your inbox as soon as it is published.

Take care

Guest Post by Hassam Ahmad Awan. MBT's Gold Star Guest Author.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Make an eBook: Beginners Guide To PDF eBook Building

ebook formation

Most of the visitors are interested in building up their own eBooks, that could play wonders for them. Yup wonders. We hardly pay any attention to eBook marketing and how they can take our blog to a much higher level, within days.

So i planned a series of posts for you guys, that would enable you to finally make an eBook of your own. The series would includes:

 1-Introduction To eBook Marketing (you are here)

  • Who should make an eBook? 

  • Why to make an eBook

2-Planing Phase

3-Building Phase 

 4-Developing Phase 

5-Publishing Phase 

  • Creating an online ebook form / Customization

  • Applying the form to the Blogger Blog

  • Building Download system with email subscription / Thanks page  

::Series ended by 5/12/2011::

These are the basic contents of the eBook formation guide, that i aim to share in coming days. You could subscribe for free, to get the latest posts in the series as soon as it hits the blog. As i would proceed with the coming posts, i would link them back here at the contents so it gets easy to navigate.

Who Should Make An eBook?

Well this is important. There is not much that you will get out of this post if you don't really need an eBook. Gaining subscribers through giving out free eBooks doesn't work for every niche blog. Imagine you have a news blog where you posts latest technology that arrives to the market.

How you would write an eBook for news and stuff? So eBook technique mostly works for tutorials and guides that either give out a general overview of something, or provides a compressive guide to targeted audience.

If you got something that you believe could help others online, you have a great chance of sharing it through an eBook of your own.

Why To Make An eBook?

People use eBooks in various ways to grow online. If you have a blog, you would probably know the importance of loyal subscribers that you get. Subscribers act as a backbone of your blog and would never let your blog die.

Notice how every popular blogger, may it be Darren Rowse from or the Copyblogger guy, got those huge amount of email subscribers at their disposal. These people are loyal towards what you do online and are always ready to listen what you got. As they opted in by their will for subscription.

If you follow these popular bloggers, you would know how frequently they arrange give a ways. May it be an exclusive tutorials, an eBook or a video series. Giving out free eBooks is one the best way out their to increase subscriber base. A single, well written, targeted, eBook can bring you massive amount of subscribers.

ebook reading

Once you have thousands of subscriber list, you simply have an extra income stream. Just like people earn money by tweeting products, the same is the case with email marketing. You could mention affiliate links within your emails, that could draw some revenue. Basically it all boils up to the amount of traffic you got. More the traffic, more subscribers that you will get, and so as the followed revenue.

eBooks are extremely easy to share. As being in the popular PDF format, they could be easily passed on to a friend. If you had the true facts in the eBook, you might become the owner of a viral eBook, that draws a different set of traffic altogether.

Imagine if you build up a new blog from zero. If you have a comprehensive subscriber list, you never have to start all over again with the new blog. You could easily advertise you new blog to your loyal subscribers.

So giving out free eBooks and earning subscribers, could construct a solid future for you blogging career. Thats all for pumping you to read the coming posts. Stay tuned :)

Make sure that you have subscribed through email  (free) to get the future posts in the eBook building series, right in your inbox. Every part of the series is vital and is depended upon the previous one.

Guest Post by Hassam Ahmad Awan. MBT's Gold Star Guest Author.

Friday, 11 November 2011

6 Reasons Why Blogger Overshines WordPress

blogger vs wordpress

Blogging enthusiast often read such articles. There are 2 types of people who might want to read this post. Whether he may be a die hard Blogger user, who wishes to get some solid points on his behalf to defend his right decision. Or he can be a blogging fan, who wishes to make the right decision in his early moments.

Before i could make any point here in the posts, i would say that its all about setting priorities. A Blogger plus might not suite you at all. So its totally up to the user. But, assuming that any one who wishes to get started with blogging, i believe these points below are enough to satisfy to choose Blogger, as a blogging platform, over WordPress.

1-Hosting 100% Free

free blogger web hosting

What does that mean? People often confuse domain name with hosting. Briefly, hosting is where we host, keep our blog content/articles/files. Hosting is done over servers. Where as domain is the name of our blog. No website can be made without a hosting. Its the only way we bring our content to the world.

So Blogger provides that for free with 100% up time. You don't have to care about blog getting down in your entire blogging career. Google Hosting services have earned a high reputation over the years.

On the other hand WordPress doesn't provide any hosting service. Unless you buy a hosting for your self, your WordPress blog would be followed by the extension ( Where as, you simply pay 8-10$ for an year(to buy a domain) and your blog looks just like a professional self hosted blog.

2-Customize Your Template With Edit HTML

customize blogger blogsYou simply cant customize the template HTML code in WordPress. This is one of the major factors i would recommend Blogger over Wordpress. Unless you pay for a template that suite your choice, you would hardly get any that is 100% perfect with all those best blogging tools installed. It would never happen.

So its a huge plus for Blogger, that we could install a general template (simple one), say with one side bar and footer. Now further customizations can be easily done through Edit HTML option. There are tons of tutorials online, that give a detailed walk through for various template customizations.

3-Earn Money Without Any Investment

Working with free WordPress blog i.e (with extension doesn't allow you to put Google Adsense ads. Where as we often see those pro blogs, with great authority, that have never switched over to custom domain and are earning big amounts. You can easily display Google Adsense ads on blog (i.e a free Blogger domain extension).

Installing Adsense Widgets hardly take few seconds.

earn money online

4-Faster Indexing Into Google

Blogger being Google's service, is given more priority as compared to other websites and blogging platforms. A Blogger hosted blog gets faster into Google search results as compared to WordPress. This might not appeal to such tutorials blogs, but imagine a news blog. A single post that is ever hours delayed, has no worth once every body knows it around the web.

Some times faster rate of indexing is the only key tool that popular blogs play with.

5- Ease of Use / Integrated Into Dady Google

You already got the point here. Notice how Google is expanding its wings. Let it be a mobile operating platform or a blogging one, its under the name, Google. Does that really matter? Off course. Google monopoly would always benefit their products.

easy to use

With a single login (Google account login), you can access all your Blogger blogs under one roof, dashboard. Overall, its pretty easy to handle Blogger blogs.

6-Blogger Blogs Are Totally Optimized For Search Engines.

seo search engine optimized

WordPress users often talk about the extra SEO that WordPress blogs enjoy. There is no such case. The same level of search engine optimization can be achieved in Blogger blogs. WordPress blogs are provided with an extra option to add meta tags to individual posts, and that can be done through posts Edit HTML option of Blogger blogs.

So there is hardly any thing that WordPress users enjoy that Blogger fans don't.

To Summarize

When you are not getting any extra benefit from WordPress, why to spend extra loads of money over hosting? Thats the first question that a new blogger thinks of.

So, Blogger or WordPress? Which platform do you prefer.

Guest Post by Hassam Ahmad Awan. MBT's Gold Star Guest Author.